
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:14:23
请问大家如何看待FLOW?RT 如何提高自己的flow通过试录了两首歌,我觉得我自己的flow太平,如何提过自己的flow,我现在听eminem和Jay-Z的歌,虽然听不懂,但听他们的节奏,能提高自己的flow吗? i leave ( )at four and get home at four ten 谢i leave ( )at four and get home at four ten 谢谢回答 这句中flow怎么解释Join two pieces of metal by heating and allowing the edges to flow together. IWATER FLOW怎么样 FINDING FLOW怎么样 灿烂的青铜文明指( );灿烂的青铜时期指( ) 灿烂的青铜文明手抄报好 有关灿烂的青铜文明的问题,请速速前来回答 ...1.商朝时期,制造一个司母戈鼎需要多少人同时操作,这说明了什么?2.你还知道那些商周青铜器?请把名字写下来.想一想,商周青铜器有什么特点?用 they set the embassy on fire.they tried___it.1 to burn 2 burning 3 for burning 4 in burnning请问选择哪一个.及分别说出每个为什么对与错 Scientists have tried to set fire to underground coal to speed up the fires. ten after 灿烂的青铜文明是以 , ,和 为代表的. 辉煌灿烂的青铜文明是建立在什么基础上的 星期前用the 如果特指呢?像九月的星期一 Explain what ‘cost of equity’ and ‘cost of debt’ are.(英文回答) 摩天轮转到90度是什么样子的呢拜托各位大神 His mother talks with his class teather once a month同义句转换 what do you have for someone who has already got everything he wants or needs to?这句话是病句,请问下哪里有问题?为什么?怎么翻译呢?各位哥哥姐姐帮忙看下哈 You __ (need) hand in your homework now的否定形式是什么?为什么? 《孔子圣迹图》简介? 明朝《孔子圣迹图》的错误 秦汉文化昌盛的原因是什么? who can explain this sentence for me I am writing in reply to a letter I received from you a few days ago.here i have some puzzles.what does the "in" mean?what role does it play i can explain him this in a litte whille(被动语态) he———————————— this——————i can explain him this in a litte whille(被动语态)he—————————————————————this— the place i was before .who can explain it of this sentence construction it means ::::i was the place before .anyhow ,i am very confused . 英语翻译疑问句 如果一个人说:No needs to say that,后面的翻译疑问句用什么? 孔子图像 句子And then,when I'd spent all my money,I'd have to come back and work!中两个省略的‘d各表示什么? 为什么孔子会成为有学问的人?知道告告 作为当时很有学问的孔子能回答这个问题吗?他是怎样做的 《两小儿辩日》: 作为当时很有学问的孔子能回答这个问题吗?他是怎样做的 ? 希望大家能帮帮忙哈~