
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 11:40:14
请问《左传》是《春秋》的一部分么?〈春秋〉作者相传为孔子而〈左传〉作者相传为左丘明,不是同一个人``但为什么要将〈春秋左氏传〉〈春秋公羊传〉和〈春秋谷粮传〉合称为〈春秋〉三 春秋左氏传根据什么史编著的 You're so good 用中国怎么读 How do Mary go to the nature park?改错如何改 求答 现在眼睛老感觉疲劳,想找个看眼睛的地方,又不知道去哪好,南昌的 (我也是男性)平时总是有一些男性用眼睛一直盯着我的眼睛看,我不好意思把眼睛移开,他还盯着我看 How do the girls usually go to the nature park?()go to the nature park by bike It's important to 和 It'important for 的区别 把I how the can to nature go park连成一句 it’s important to...和it’s important for...有何区别 It's important to me.和it's important for me.It's important to me.和it's important for me,分别翻译成“对我重要”“对于我来说重要”,这样的翻译不是一样吗? 如何选水笔笔芯 用完的水笔笔芯可以干什么我有好多用完的笔芯,大家帮忙想想可以怎样旧物改造 How do you go to the supermarket? 是什么意思 want supermarket they to do go to the 怎么组合 he's fed the dog and the cat ,__?a.doesn't he b.isn't he c.wasn't he d.hasn't he He's fed the dog and the cat,dosen't he?为什么这里的反义疑问句要用dosen't?不解... ,Holly has _fed the dog ,but she hasn's watered the plants_.A.still ;already B.already,yet C.yet,still D.yet,already麻烦 英语翻译有可能是俚语 水笔笔芯里的墨到一半的时候写不出来了我的水笔每次都是这样子,笔头越细,越容易发生.怎么解决? When he heard aterrible noise,he A.flew a kite B.fed the cow C.ran away D.shouted to I heard the noise_____ the car and ran out to meet my friend.填介词 When he heard the noise,Peter went out ___ ___ to have a look.横线部分除了用right away,还可以用?原来我想用at once 的,但是貌似at once是用在句尾的吧 How do they go to Beijing是什么意思 If you are feeling tired,you had better ------.A.going to bed B.to go to bed C.go to bed D.went to bed If you are feeling tired,perhaps a little sleep will----helpactaffect 水笔笔芯 精黑的是指哪种?是有什么规格么? are,taking,pictures,they,the,in,park the boy is taking pictures with a c( ) 连词成句ball,mike, he, to, passes, the He's passing the ball to Mike 对划线部分提问划线部分就是 P到E After he got the ball he wanted to kick it to ____A .the goal --keeper of his team B.The other player of his teamc.The goal of his team D.the other end of the field