
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:37:03
女朋友把我手机名叫Value, 我打电话给女朋友她不接.短信也不回.持续将近半个多月了.我今天发短信告诉她.希望她接我电话.给我五分钟时间.有什么事咱们说明白了.好聚好散.不要我打电话不接,短信不回.这纯粹是在折 他们昨天在公园里开心的放风筝(have a good time.....) —Mum!Can you pass me the potatoes?—___________A.Sorry,they are too heavy for me to carry.B.Sorry,they don't taste good.C.Don't you think they are delicious?D.Don't you think you have had enough? i don't think everyone could pass it为何用could 拜托英语连词成句:could me the powel do think you you pass The word "cuisine"in the passage means 翻译 非常好用英语怎样翻译? 英语翻译mostpeople realize that self-esteem can influence how we feel about ourselves; withhigh self-esteem resulting in positive feelings and low self-esteem leading tonegative ones.However,self-esteem also exerts a powerful influence on peoples 非常好 用英语怎么翻译 你的观点非常好! 英语翻译1 请他直接回答我的问题,不要绕圈子2 小时候我最喜欢玩捉迷藏,很多人都找不到我3 我觉得你太自恋了吧.4 他是做服装生意的 / 他是做餐饮生意的5 我看你脸色不太好,身体不舒服吗?6 实现我下一个梦想的英语怎么说 得到她是一个梦想用英语怎么说 What's the meaning of the underlined word fantasticA便宜的 B稀奇古怪的 C了不起的 D不可思议的在初一上学期英语第八课内容 What's the chinese meaning of the underlined word"custom"?A、消费 B、习惯 C、买卖 D、习俗 what is the meaning of the underlined word "vulnerability"? What's the main idea of Psrsgraph 2 and 3 What's the meaning of the underlined word "greedHow many sports are mentioned in the passage?And what are they? glad to receive your letter.中文是什么意思 直接引语"I'am glad to receive your email,"said he.怎么变为间接引语 "I'm glad to receiue your e-mail,"said he怎样改为间接引语? I am glad to receive your e-mail.是否可以写成I am glad to write the e-mail for you. 关于鲁迅的《自嘲》解释请哪位好心的同志帮我把鲁迅的《自嘲》的每句话都解释一遍,请不要用已有的哪些复制给我,三天内,急用! 英语翻译可以翻成“the outlook of human"吗? 英语翻译 鲁迅的“自嘲”解释一下自嘲 运交华盖欲何求,未敢翻身已碰头. 破帽遮颜过闹市,漏船载酒泛中流. 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛. 躲进小楼成一统, 《自嘲》 (鲁迅) 自嘲 鲁迅 少一点 人性话的英文翻译是 Please enter and confirm your email address.One account per email address. 英文翻译 我不敢想象几年后的自己是什么样子 Enter your email