
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:44:37
怎么赶作业快 一道关于概率论的题目二维随机变量概率密度f(x,y)=1 ,0≤x≤1,0≤y≤10,其他则p{x≤1/2,y>1/2}=______ 快点,赶作业呢!(>_ 为什么每次我总要到星期天晚上挑夜灯赶作业啊双子座不是一个很迅速的星座吗 我为什么总要怎么慢我总是挨 诶.谁能有什么好办法吗 英语练习题,急!一.按要求写句子1.This is an apple .(改为一般疑问句)2.They are playing football.(改为一般疑问句)3.I think it is a cat .(改为否定句)4.The cat is on the box (对划线部分提问,划线部分是on the The heavy rain has been on _for nearly two weeks_(划线提问) for nearly two weeks 划线 一.根据所给的音标,写出下列单词中发这个音的字母组合.about yellow tree1.[au] cow 2.[əu ] coat 3.[i:]team4.[ɔ:]four 5.[ɝ:]turnfloor bird "I use love to exchange for friendship,you use your friendship for love!" 英语翻译1.在警察的帮助下老人找到了他的儿子.___ ____ _____ _____the policeman ,the old man found his son2..我已经完全忘记了妈妈告诉我的话.I ___ ____ ____ what mother 有"峰"和"怡"或"峰"和"晓"字的对联或诗句 不患人之不己知 患不知人也 的同意句是什么 what corld your business do wih Borderless Networks? 这句话应该怎么比较合适呢?大概意思知道,就是不知怎么翻得正式点,The proposed 2013 Budget is for a surplus of US$2.3m and meets the objectives established by management to: 不患人之不已知患不知人也与课文论语八则中的哪一句观点相近 哪个语句更适合这句话“为什么当你失去的时候,你才知道珍惜呢”A.why do you cherish this only when you lose it?B.Why when you lost,you just know love?C.Why didn't you know how to save it until you had losed it.D.why didn't yo 'cause要不要读出Be的音啊?这些省略的部分要不要读?can't是不是可以读成can? 尤其是 cause to be done 什么意思to allow ratify and confirm everything that my attorny shall lawfully to do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents 这句什么意思?大家翻译的不错,但2楼滴句子不太通顺啊,意思是 问一道书面表达,麻烦高人帮忙写下一两篇,帮帮奴家吧,奴家感激不尽.100字左右就好,A letter to the students in Wenchuan参考词汇:earthquake地震 disaster灾难 destroy毁坏 sorrow悲伤 rescue救援 contribute捐赠 七年级数学经典的题 英语 书信类书面表达:我 叫李华 是新华中学的学生,我们班里有一名从外地转来同学的叫李明,他一时 无法融入新的班级中,感到很苦恼 ,.请根据以下要求给他写一封信 ::要求::1 帮他分 100M光纤中M是什么意思 怎么读 “光纤”这两个字怎么读 按盐与水的比是1:8配置一种盐水,现在有盐6克,水42克,要求把盐全部用完,水()1.多了 2.少了 3.无法判断 一道数学选择题(太简单了!)两个不为0的有理数相除,如果交换除数与被除数的位置,它们的商不变,则: ( )A.两数相等B.两数互为相反数C.两数互为倒数D.两数相等或互为相反数 英语翻译The first and foremost purpose of the present study is to determine the firm characteristics that affect capital structure.This will clarified the extent of optimal debt and equity used in financing the firms' activity in emerging market 用英语翻译:1.我们要做讲诚信的人 2.我好像走进了魔幻的世界 急需 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 否定句的结构是 英语翻译so please be very quiet.have a job for you as.Do you want to be in the school play? 一般比赛前面加冠词the不 80.8-10.1-8.08简便计算 不患人之不己知,患不知人也 的启示