
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 09:30:24
a clear majority of voters were in favour of the motion.中文意思 以及clear在句中的意思 有6个男同学,5个女同学,选2男3女担任5项不同的工作,其中两项工作必须由女同学担任,有多少种选法?选3男3女排成一排,男女相间而排,有几种排法?我做的是第一问C26*C35和第二问C36*C35*P34, 如图所示,AE⊥AB,BC⊥CD且AB=AE,BC=CD,F、A、G、C、H在同一直线上,如按照图中所标注的数据及符号,则图中实线所围成的图形面积是 如图,如果AE:CD=M:N,那么BC与AB的比是?本人画的不是很标准,只要你看的懂就行了. Each of them is dancing in the hall now.中is 为什么用is Five people are mentioned in the two notes. we talk about the things and the people-----we met during the second world war横线上填什么? the quantity of people or things in a given area or spaceRT 7个字母的单词 345不是一对勾股数吗?它有一个角是30°,但直角边不是斜边的一半啊3 4 5不是一对勾股数吗?它有一个角是30°,但直角边不是斜边的一半啊? 到2009年,中国有多少位数学家获得Wolf数学奖?a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3 请详细列举中国数学史上三位数学家的功绩? Look There 's a girl ----(cry) in the center of the street.Don't talk .Mr .Green---Don't talk .Mr .Green----(give) them a talk. [w82] The woman in that city are often scared ______ out beyond 10 p.m., because they arescared ______ being robbed.A.to stay ; to B.to stay ; ofC. staying ; to D.of staying ; about请翻译,并分析.答案 B Doctors have to wear uniforms,because they are clean and good for p____. 数学家的重要事迹和品质5个人——高斯,毕达哥拉斯,陈景润,祖冲之,阿基米德事迹要简略.如:阿基米德,事迹:称王冠 品质:细致观察 就像这样,多了不要.(注:品质要和事迹一致,不能写阿 I found her dancing in time to the I found her nice and honest( )I saw her.我想请问为什么不能是on the first time 2010的狮子座流星雨是什么时候、会持续几天? The biggest difference is that blogging is much more public than a diary.的翻译.急用.. 英语翻译中文 数学家的故事(10个)每个大约150字到350字皆可!最好还有一些数学笑话(10个)! 恶性肿瘤的细胞特征 用watch dock wall on造句 1.恶性肿瘤的形成是因为细胞( )A不断分化而不分裂 B不断分裂而不分化C不断分裂而不生长 D不断生长而不分裂2.下列各项中对温度的耐受范围最大的是( )A可生殖范围 B可生存范围C可 you,TV,on,watch,did,Thursday(连词造句) When he found that he was a friend of his,the man____away为什么不能用完成时had been为什么不能用had gone 澳大利亚11月12月1月是什么季节? In winter from december to february in Australia 小型灭火器制作任何灭火器都行,不过不要使用难得的器具,我要放在塑料瓶里用,所以压力不能太大.水灭火器没必要 If life is divided by two,the form er is "no hesitation" and the late r is "no regret". Bill comes from (Australia)(对括号部分提问) 用适当形式填词 I think the machine needs _______(repair)书本答案是repairing,不是need + to do to repair正确吗?