
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 14:18:08
there are five people in a ( ) team a.volleyball b.tennis c.basketball d.football There are two players in this sport.It is______A.football B.basketball C.volleyball D.tennis 国泰民安 罪魁祸首 轻举妄动 前仆后继……造句国泰民安 罪魁祸首 轻举妄动 前仆后继 派头十足 郑人买履 头昏眼花草毯泥毡 死里逃生 来龙去脉 号啕大哭 壮志凌云 ,这些词里选 哈哈大笑造句 轻举妄动造句!谁有!力求啊 his mother often him a story before he went to sleep 处用tells还是told 1.So nowdays more and more parents don't know how to c_____ with rhere children2.Young people,on the other hand,feel that they want to l____ their lives themselves,instead of being told what to do 急需Children know more than parents的英文辩论稿一定是英文辩论稿,要有正反不同的观点,每方多一点对话 求助英语听力四级怎么办 英语四级听力最后填空题咋办最后文章的几个长句子,总听不懂,咋办呐 英语四级句子听力听了根本记不住,咋办?听了后就只能写出几个词,刚听了后要写时竟马上忘了,3题有时1题也拿不了分 英语四级怎么办,听力很差,想短时间内提高, 以New Rural Life写成英语作文 刚才你给我回答的那个英语作文,是卷纸上的,开头已经给出了,就是farmer workers. 急求一篇英语作文主要是 the difference between rural and urban areas,从细小方面着手,如服装,食物,生活节奏等.大概500字左右,大二水准.谢谢了 急求2篇英语作文.Gaps between parents and child.和The Problem of Rural Workers.命题作文.急求2篇英语作文.Gaps between parents and child.和The Problem of Rural Workers.命题作文.要求字数在200字-250字 世界市场或者国际市场形成的标志是什么? 出污泥而不染的人物 为什么8月13日会有地震 福建八月十三日会地震吗最好两百字. 8月13日会不会地震啊?我好担心啊!求证下, He couldn't be more different from his brother译文是:他和他弟弟有很大区别~百思不得其解啊?后来我问了朋友~有说:是译文印错了~还有一位说:couldn't be more ”是 一个固定句型~ His brother is different from him改为同义句There are ___ ___ his brother ___ him. 世界市场形成的途径有哪些?他的影响又有什么?需要材料证明 属于论述题 大概400字 世界市场形成的主要方式有哪些? cape of good hope 在哪里 阅读贾平凹的《太阳路》,回答后面的问题.答后再加分,①小的时候,我们最猜不透的是太阳.那么一个圆盘,红光光的,悬在空中,是什么绳儿系着的呢?它出来,天就亮了,它回去,天就黑了;庄稼不 don't wait any more don't say any longer...nothing left谁能给俺翻译 用英语解释下列单词:ring until outside repeated aunt的同音词是? All of us wear our best clothes for the party的同意句 All of us__ __ for the party. 黑死病和great fire of london有关系吗