
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:03:01
Man is a ___ animal. 英语翻译 rome perseverance means success怎么翻译? 求各路高手帮忙译下Victory的同音汉字! The door was ________(open) when I reached home.请说明原因 多伦多位于哪里?——它位于加拿大 翻译成英语 形象地说明一下什么是主语修饰语? 主语的修饰语必须后置吗? 主语的修饰语是定语的意思?一个概念? The person who is in charge of A person who is in charge ofrunning a business is called_______A.a manager B.an accountant C.a messenger D.a guard there is no denying that animals are part of our life i've received a cheque from the MSP that it's $270.i'll deposit.thanks.XXX called me two days ago and said he had already sent the money to you.please check it and let me know when you got it.take care 银行有普通老百姓用的支票吗?不是单位支票,和企业支票哦?是普通的支票? 开支票的密码器怎么用 请帮助翻译一下这个地名.9 KELVIN GROVE AVE SCARBOROVGH ON M1V 2T1 TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA 单句改错 this strange animal is belonged to the cat familybelong to 不能做被动语态.这个句子该怎么改 关于 accuse / charge 2个单词的 用法 they____ that the police had beaten three students to death A accuse B charges C accused D charged he____ them of having broken their words A accused B accused of C charge D charged解释下这两个句子~ free of charge 的用法我每次在购买笔的时候可以免费赠送胶水吗用英语怎么说我在每次购买笔的时候可以免费赠送胶水吗用英语怎么说或者理解的意思为每次购买笔的时候是否都附带一支胶水 fuckin bitch 就给我几句骂人的英语. 英语给所给词填空所需填的空是用来修饰主语的应该用什么形式注意;空中所填的题不是动词 英语给所给词填空所需填的空是用来修饰主语的应该用什么形式句子中还有now注意;空中所填的题不是动词 把小学的英语里面主语和情态动词的缩略词和完全形式都写出来快,我要进入总复习了 kill him ,then kill myself是什么意思kill him ,then kill myself请问这个是什么意思? 求使命召唤6普莱斯的最后一句是一个一个字咬牙切齿说的WE WILL KILL HIM的那段英文台词,要整段的. I will kil him.是什么意思 请用“less than ”造句 请问印度两大史诗跟荷马史诗的异同需急用.. Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday? 文言文州官放火的翻译. 《荷马史诗》是一部什么书籍 翻译