
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:58:27
徐州市铜山县三堡镇吴桥村的邮政编码是多少啊 求平均数的起源和发展!最好快一些!越快越好! 求平均数起源和发展, 青岛国际啤酒节的起源、发展、特色以及意义 how to introduce myself in english应该从哪一些方面去介绍自己, 我很高兴来到初一五班英语 好像是I am very happy to come to啥啥的·急求啊 以正方体的一条边所在直线为轴,旋转一周得到的图形是? 将四边形ABCD绕AD边旋转一周得到一个立方体,画出该立方体的示意图,并求其体积.A4D,B3C,C2D 一个长方形绕着它的一条边旋转一周,得到的图形是 A长方形 B 长方体 C正方体 D圆柱 快回答吧,呜呜呜 将四边形ABCD绕AD边旋转一周得到一个立方体,画出该立方体的示意图,并求出其体积 需要新概念英语一到四册的文本,能不能发到我邮箱啊,hellodobby@gmail.com,谢谢 求曲线y=x^2与直线y=2围成的图形的面积及该图形绕y轴旋转一周所得立方体的体积 ‘jumped to his feet’这句怎么翻译啊? help him to his feet 为什么扶别人起来是help him to his feet 为什么是to his feet 新概念英语正宗录音哪里有下载 这个暑假我背完新概念英语2,对我有什么好处? are you free this sunday[ 变同义句 ] we [have dinner]at seven in the evening [提问][have dinner]l can speak english[ 变一般疑问]l am not in[同义句]l`d like to be with my friends[ 变一般疑问]let`s go for a picnic[变同义句]he goe it.s 7 o.clock in the evening.i have to go home合并为一句话 At seven in the evening ,we c___ the shop. 为什么要用stay at home?home不是副词么?前面加介词?那为啥就不能用go to home,home作名词呢? After school he often play with his classmate.哪里错了 He fought with his classmate last night.的同义句 He always help his classmate with Math.对吗可以用with吗 如何背好新概念英语2?我已经念了3年了!妈妈说要全背出来那么如何悲呢? top p的音标 top combine的音标!急需啊! 五年级英语音标班 托普教育怎么样 at the top of的音标.. ______the first photo,I'm watching TV______home. A.On;at B.At,in C.In;at D.On;in I go home ______ 5:30 _______ the afternoon..A.in,in B.at ,in C.on,at D.at,at 怎么选?为什么? get it down-----its foot 横线上填 in with on 还是 from He sat down in his chair,with 47 rockets tied to it帮忙翻译下这句话,