
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:22:40
one ,boy ,you,me,will,new,a,for,)连词成句buy对不起 in the past two years,we got along perfectly well.该用完成时还是过去时 good、well、bad、badly、ill、much、many、little、far、的比较级和最高级 连词成句dictionaiy,Lucy,buy,me,will,a,for Will you buy an electronic car when they.available?A.become.B,became.C.are becoming .D,will become请帮我选正确答案并找出原因. keep -----(exercise).He is the ---(good ) student in our class 谁有茶叶的颜色的好词好句好段? 2010年12月英语四级估分作文:及格.快速阅读:8个.听力客观:20个.听力主观:5个单词,句子写了一个,和标准答案有点不同,大概意思写到了.填词:3个.仔细阅读:6个.完型:16个.翻译:写了一 2010年12月的英语四级估分.(1)听力:选择对20道,填对单词3个,句子1句.(2)快速阅读:选择对5道,填词对2空.(3)仔细阅读:对6道.(4)15选10:对2.(5)完形填空:对8道.(6)翻译:对3道. 2010年12月大英语四级估分快速阅读5个左右,听力选择12个左右,选词填空4个左右,篇章阅读4-5个,完型8个吧,翻译2个左右,作文一般.能有几分急 Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定) 1.My brother likes watching cartoons.(改为一般疑问句) ________ your brother ___________watching cartoons?2.What do you think of the TV shows?(改为同义句) ____________ do you _________the TV shows?3.John watches news every night .(划线 many tall buildings( ) in the city now A ae building B are being built C have been built D will be built 1.nancy is going to go camping.(改否定句) 2.l'll go and join them.(改否定句)3.l'm going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句) 4.we will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改为一般疑问句) 5.she is going to liste 求2010.12.四级估分不知道四易的准不准作文还好吧快速阅读9听力前面19,填词7个,句子两个半选词对5个,阅读5个,完型15个,翻译3个 2010.12四级估分,听力 段对话 对3个长对话 6填词 2句子 0阅读快速阅读 4个选词阅读 22篇阅读 6完型 16翻译 2作文 70 2010年12月四级估分我快速阅读对9个,听力选择对11个,填单词对1个,句子没写,仔细阅读选词对8个,仔细阅读对5个,完型对15个.翻译对四个,作文还可以.仔细阅读对7个,不是5个 It's quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker请分析一下句子结构啊,特别是这里beyond是介词还是副词,在句子作什么成分啊? Me is beyond godlike是什么意思 There were no tall buildings in Shanghai many years ago.句意不变=There _____ _____ tall buildings in Shanghai mangy years ago There were __tall buildings in our hometown many years ago. A 、none of B、not any选哪一个我觉得两都对 改错 There are many tall buildings to stand over there. 翻译她死的时候她的儿子还是个男孩(with复合结构) 2010年12月英语四级估分-急快速阅读7,听力选择12~13,单词1,选词填空5个,篇章阅读3个,完型12,翻译2,作文一般,这次快速阅读和完型比较容易是不是在试卷中所占的分值会相应的降低?请给我详细 Nancy is going to go camping next week改为否定句求英语大师指点 阿拉伯帝国的首都到底是在麦地那还是巴格达课本上说是在631年,麦地那成为阿拉伯帝国的首都可是作业上,还有老师也说,阿拉伯帝国的首都在巴格达.到底是哪个,是迁都了吗,回答时说明两者 从穆罕默德被迫出走麦地那的原因可以看出,早期伊斯兰教具有的历史进步性是:A.充实了人们的精神生活.B.造就了独特的建筑艺术C.体现了普通穷人的要求 D.促进了阿拉伯的统一 There are no tall buildings in the village.的意思 几道英语选择题 希望大家给个解释 第一题希望大家把with复合结构顺便讲一讲1:We went to an exhibition of paintings this afternoon. With nothing_______us,we left soon.A:interesting B:to interestC:intereste beyond 有什么国语歌曲 if the traffic light is red,you can't go____ to roadIf the traffic light is red,you can't go____ to road.A.across B.pass C.near D.next如果go across是词组,那么怎么road 前面还有to? If the tarffic light is red ,you ___ cross the road.It’svery dangerousA.don'tB.mustn'tC.needn’tD.wouldn't