
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:23:48
一般不出国的话,英语除了四六级,还考什么证比较实用啊?如果以后进大型国企呢? pop the question这个后面能像marrige一样用介词和其他的成分吗,求英语帝解答 如果你在夜里外出的话,可能会有危险 英语翻译 pop the question 的英语问题看清楚再答!我知道是有求婚的意思问题是:含义是提出问题的时候,有没有希望得到肯定回答?还是单纯的提出问题 tie the give the book to me ,please.改错题 it\'s a kite in the shape of the Great 先看三个句子1.There is a book of his 2 You are a big fan of Phelps 3what is the shape of your prese为什么1用了双重所有格而2.3.不用呢? there is a hole in my heart in the shape of you 是哪首歌的歌词啊…… 我对母语汉语的认识 新加坡的母语是汉语还是? 形容母语 词语请给几个形容母语的四字词语.例如:生生不息,抑扬顿挫,字正腔圆等.要至少5个.谢谢!(除了我所说的以外) will you give me the book?同义句 I have just tried to ring you... 请问have a bygone ring RT 我在Darry Ring看到一枚戒指要2万多,比我的个人预算高出了一些,不知道在其他人看来Darry Ring价格会不会贵 花萼与花冠合称() Here your umbrella and your coat.改错 Here is your umbrella and your coat为什么是 here is,umbrella and coat不是两样东西吗,不是应该用are么初学者,不要笑我 here's your coat and your umbrella为什么是is 不是are Here's your umbrella and your coat.关于动词单复数here's your umbrella and your coat.在一本书上看到的一人句子,这时的 here's 是不是错误了,难道不是 here are here is you umbrella and your coat.这句话其中your不加行不行?加不去有什么用,不加又会有什么变化呢?还有如果这么问 is this you umberlla and cota?这么问行么?意思相同么? three times the length In the fihure ,the length of rectangle ABCD is 3 times its width.find the value of m I have a shower after I get upI have breakfast at seven和I leave home at helf past seven的上一句 I have to make my bed after get up.哪里错了 Bob and Lisa have a picnic on Sunday.They get up at 7:00.After they have _____, 花冠和花萼合称为什么? She not like eggs for breakfast.改错 go out跟go outside的意思一样吗?两者有什么区别? I enjoy ___ ( shower ) after getting up GO OUT是什么 意思?