
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:34:04
Abraham Lincoln is generally considered_____the greatest president of America. A to be B as C 不填 D all of the above 答案为D 请帮忙分析一下这个句子.我不是很懂. 书上说consider 作‘认为’的时候后面可以跟to be的结 抽象函数单调性证明已知f(x)是R上的偶函数,且在(0,+∞)上单调递增,并且f(x)<0对一切x∈R成立,试判断-1/f(x)在(-∞,0)上的单调性,并证明你的结论.不仅要判断还要证明 主要是证明 [请教一道高一英语题]Abraham Lincoln is generally considered_____the greatest president of America.Abraham Lincoln is generally considered_____the greatest president of America.A to be B as C 不填 D all of the above请帮忙分析一下这 Abraham Lincoln ,President of the United States ,was not vrey handsome and h In 1861 Abraham Lincoln became the United States’ sixteenth president. Five weeks ______1______ the Civil War began It was a _____2______ about slavery . Lincoln had two main ____3____: he wanted to free the slaves and he wanted divided into two n 己知a为锐角,sin(a加15度)=2分之根号3,计算根号8-4cosa+tana+(3分之一)的-1次方的值 What are the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery?谁能帮我写一篇整容手术的优缺点的英语作文,最好是以英语口语形式写的.写个5句就行 what are the advantages and disadvantages of Intrernetabout comversation what are the advantages and disadvantages of obortion?用英文表达一下.越快越好啦.我的意思是,用英语表达一下流产得利与弊啊。也就是写一篇小文章得意思啦。 若2x-3的绝对值与y+3的绝对值互为相反数,求x+y的相反数? 抽象函数的单调性已知任意m.n都是f(m+n)=f(m)+f(n)-1,当x>0时,f(x)>1求:若f(3)=4,解不等式f(a的平方+a-5) 抽象函数单调性.定义在R上的函数y=f(x),对任意的a、b属于R,满足f(a+b)=f(a)*f(b),当x大于0时,有f(x)大于1,其实f(1)=2,f(0)=1 . 求证:f(x)是单调增函数.证:令a=x,b=-x,则f(0)=f( 已知A+B=π/6,(根号3)(tanAtanB+a)+2tanA+3tanB=0,则tana=?打错了,是求tanA的值!2.已知sinα+sinβ=根号2/2,则cosα+cosβ的取值范围是___________________ 已知-π/2 We had better_____(stay)at home. You'd better stay at home.The r___ is heavy outside. 英语填空题:It's raining ________(heavy)outside.You'd better stay at home now. family tree的中文翻译 the family tree 翻译成汉语,急 the family THE FAMILY TREE怎么样 家谱 THE FAMILY TREE怎么样 far away from加数字时,是否应省略away?例如far 2 meters from home 《泊船瓜洲》全诗 what about you? you are very good at telling stories .you can join the story telling club 中文翻译 1.Ben is telling us a story.The story is about an ugly ducking.(两句合一句)kuai how far is daisy's home from the centre or the my mother and father live tin one bedroom换一种说法意思不变my mother and father() how far is Daisy's home from the centre of the cty 儿子的数学题难住了我四年级的题目.甲公司2005年的销售量是2004年的5/8,乙公司2005年的销售量比甲公司2005年的销售量多1/8,乙公司2005年的销售量是多少?不能用方程解答的儿子学校最近在学分 My home is far from the city centre.翻成汉语 一道数学题难住了我,五年级同学进行春游活动.他们乘船过河,如果5人一船则多2人,如果6人一船则少4人,如果7人一船则少5人.五年级到少有多少人参加春游? 儿子的一道数学题难住我了.儿子的一道思考题,说红,白,黑三种颜色的球,白球和红球合在一起一共17个,红球比黑球多7个,黑球比白球多5个,三种颜色的球各几个?这堆球一共有多少个?