
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 21:01:25
下列事实能说明微粒具有什么性质打气筒能将空气压入足球内 谁能解答一下这题.想要过程啊啊啊如图所示是某种型号的正六角螺母毛坯(正六棱柱)的三视图,则它的表面积为___________.(运算结果请保留根号)http://360edu.com/tongbu/chuer/7816/C2SXZ815.files/image 已知,如下图,AD为△ABC的中线,且DE平分∠BDA交AB于E,DF平分∠ADC交AC于F.求证:BE+CF>EF. 1、-thank you for__(give) me so many delicious biscuits -you're welcome 2、She was worried that we might__(get) hurt 3、Remember to brush your__(tooth) after every meal 4、If they __enouth time,they would come to your birthday party A.have B.havi 一道英语题啊啊啊啊同义句转换.Why are you holding a stick?___ are you holding a stick ___? 用介词填空 1、I was late forr class today because__mu broken bike 2、you should get along well __ other students 3、This pen does not belong__you,it is mine 4、If you don't agree__me,please let me know 5、I always search__ something on the 一道英语题,急啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊If you can't visit France,____,I will fing a native to practice my English. at last at least in the end in fact 语文题啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 某商店要在店内醒目的地方挂一个条幅,条幅上一句格言.请你把自己认为合适的格言写出来,并说说为什么选它.格言:理由: 将下列成语分成四类:相见恨晚 痛改前非 相貌堂堂 情投意合 气宇轩昂 温文尔雅回头是岸 排山倒海 难舍难分 气势磅礴 洗心革面 雷霆万钧 生物好的看过来= =求解本课小结, 求解5.6.7题!秒回好评!填空! )求如何写. 人在大量出汗或者严重腹泻的情况下,血液中主要丢失了 水和无机盐 怎么补充这些东西?` 决定浮游植物在水中垂直分布的主要因素.( )A 温度B 光照C 空气D 三者都是回答时顺便说一下为啥剩下几个选项不对 填空题 收藏到习题集 (1人) 我要提问 难易度:0.50 浏览:239次 某生物兴趣小组有一些能够稳定遗传的高茎、豆荚饱满和矮茎、豆荚不饱满的两个品系豌豆,如果你是该兴趣小组的成员,希望通 下列生物中,不具有细胞壁的是A小麦B细菌C酵母菌D变形虫 Last year i went to America.I stayed there f____ half year .I found most Americans had three meals a day.thay had b____ in the morning ,a light lunch at noon ,and a big time for dinner .Americans usually duink a lot of w____ ,a lot of milk ,and a lot 英语填空啊啊啊 这些孩子跑步也许是为了赶公共汽车These children might be ____ to _____the bus天上有个奇特的生物在飞There is a ___ ____ flying in the sky.昨晚一只猴子逃出了笼子A monkey____ ____the cage last night他上 1.Do you know the history of life on e____________.2.I was l_________ to get a free magazine when Iwas walking on the street. 英语翻译这次期中考试结束了 老师让写检讨 因为要给家长看的 ,所以想用英文让他看不懂,不要那种自动翻译的.内容如下:这次虽然考进了前十,但是各科成绩都没有高分,特别是语文,每次都 英语翻译Beginning with the dismantling of the state monopoly on foreign trade,the ways in which the economic reform process has encouraged export industries will be traced. 求英语翻译啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊Should friends be different or the same? The following is what three of my classmates say. My name is Mary. I like to have friends who are different from me. My be 英语翻译I disagree that commercials are bad for children.They cannot be harmful or the government would have banned them long age.Furthermore,what is wrong with children earning money or asking their parents to buy things for them?My final point 英语翻译想象之中 雨过一道彩虹抬起了头 瑟瑟灰色天空想象之中 付出会有结果毫无保留 信奉你的承诺想象之中 这次要爱很久我领略过 你眼里的温柔热恋以后 你忽然的冰冻判若两人 丢给 英语翻译Could not complete the requested operation 英语翻译根据实际回答下列问题;where are you going on your holiday where did you go on your holiday how did you go there hou are you today how tall are you 翻译下面的句子;who is taller than johnhow does the gifl feelwhat did sh "How is it going?""pretty good"有错误么?忘了,为什么没错误?还上就飞出楼顶了 汉译英(一空一词)1.我喜欢在中心林荫道的公园里散步.I like _ a _ in the park Center Avenue.2.北京公园是一个尽情玩耍的去处.Beijing Park is a good place _ _ _.3.上楼往右拐你就会看到我的教室 如题---Who____she____the email to?---Tony.She ____to him every ten days.A.does;write;writesB.is;writing;writesC.will;write;wroteD.did;write;wrote选A还是B? I read a book when it's rainning(对read a book 提问)_____ ______ you _____when it's rainning?she is enjoying herself.(写出同义句)she is _____ ____ ____ ______.