
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:59:42
英语翻译 My elder brother is an engineer. When do I like most kids so outgoing!这句英语有错的地方吗?有语法错误吗? older brother和elder brother有什么区别呢my ____ brother is two years older than me.选择题.答案是elder,为什么不可以用older! old brother 与 elder brother 的区别注意是 old brother 而不是 older brother而且意思说得通俗一点 我能听懂 You can ---------(buy)all kinds of things in the shop.用所给词的适当形式填空 让自己的生命为别人开一朵花:一次无偿献血是一朵花,是一朵花,是一朵花,是一朵花.【仿写】 they are having a great time___in the pool.横线上是填to swimming 还是swimming 为什么?急用. So he sold all of his things.(变为同义句) so he sold____ ____ thingsVincent wanted to help poor people.(变为同义句)Vincent ____ ____to help poor people.Vincent van Gogh painted a lot.(变为同义句)Vincent van Gogh—— ——— sports They are having a great time in the water 9同义句转换 T hey are _____ _____ ____in the water We are having a good time _ in the water.A.to play B.playC.playingD.to playing 用like often sports but (be) going to造句,连成短文先把句子,一句句写出来,在另外写成一篇短文 Watching athletic events is like going to a fashion show. 用单词造句 like often sports but (be) going to 连成短文 -you've worked very hard today.Thank you.-____ I've enjoyed it.A.give me a break.B.you're kidding C.that won't be a problen.D.that's ok. 一丶根据句意及首字母完成单词 1.THE shop s( ) all kinds of school things. The shop sell all kinds of thongs,___ knives ,rulers ,erasers and other school things举例用哪个词 第十题解法与其过程, 求第4题解法 Mr.Smith said he would have his car____the next day.A.to mend B.mending C.mend D.mended选哪个 为什么? Again and again the doctor ____the crying girl ,but he could not find out what was wrong with her.A.looked over B.looked after C.looked for D.looked out ,为什么? 英语翻译 仿照例子,在给定的汉字“否”“利”“睡”“唱”中选择一个,作趣味解释.例:愁——秋风瑟瑟,秋雨绵绵,再加上一颗孤寂的心,怎能不令人愁肠寸断? 汉字别解是一件有趣的事.请仿照下面的示例,从提供的汉字中选择一个加以别解,别解要有一点趣味或哲理.(汉字别解是一件有趣的事.请仿照下面的示例,从提供的汉字中选择一个加以别解,别 求此题解法, 第4题解法 哈雷彗星与太阳系其他行星公转方向不相同吗?都说不同,可我怎么看都觉得相同啊,都是逆时针嘛就是哈里的轨道与8大行星有一个夹角·~·求正解 花开花落人如旧 什么意思 用言行相顾 敬业乐群 断章取义 不二法门 强聒不舍写段话速度~! what a lovely little rabbit 还是how a lovely little rabbit 为啥 The little tortoise never stopped running while the little rabbit stopped resting这句话对吗、错的话帮我改正下.