
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:14:04
People may remember who murdered him remember what they were doing when they heard about the event怎样划分句子成分? 我的名字叫“彭珊珊”,谁能将我的名字改成英文名, My Plan for the New Term如题求篇初中英语作文~要中文翻译的^.^有+悬赏的 用love is 开头的英文诗每一句都是用love is.开头的英文诗 love is not.也可以再再不行 中文的也行不要莎士比亚的十四行诗 那个不是我能抄得上手的 我想问一下,They went to beijing in 2000.They (come)back in twenty years.they后面填什么.为什么in加上2000就是过去时.那么in加上时间段是什么样的?那其他的介词加上年又是什么时态? i like playing with her because she is very ____(friend) Most american children begin to school when they are five years old. .They went to New York ten years ago.(保持句意)They ____ _____ in New York_____ ten years.It _____ ______tenyears ______they _____to New York 与Ee发音相同的字母有哪些你们真是的 英语都没学好吗 I'm sorry.I know what i said just now __ you.---It doesn't matter.I know you didn't mean it.A.knockedB.broke C.offendedD.mattered应该选什么?为什么? city was very close.But she and I distance but far...Because I believe you are the best...SO I w 我国地貌分为哪4类我国地貌已分为4类,A、B、C、D类地貌,请问如何判别!?或者提供下规范出处,谢谢!按新《建筑结构荷载规范》GB50009-2012计算风荷载,取风振系数时涉及。这本新《荷规》P228页 中国戏曲分为哪四类? 安全标志分为哪四类? 请以My New Term Plan 写一篇英语作文(将来时态) 螺帽跟螺母的区别 Lucy is good ( )dogs.She think they are our friends.为什么这样做? 帮我去一个好听可爱的网名,名字里必须带“飞”这个字!还有,我是个女的 网名 女的 好听 可爱 带“静”这个字 好听的女生网名 要有紫这个字希望大家多多回答 请帮我起一个好听的网名,最好有“优”这个字, 世界8大城市的英文名和对应的城市是那些? she is one of my____(close)friends and she sits____(close)to me in the class.look!she is looking____(close)at the blackbord. Do you know Helen?Yes.She's a friend of mine,a very close friend .A.after all B in time C.in fact D.above all She's afraid she can't find close friends ___ in the new schoolA to talkB talkingC to talk toD talking to 小学英语题She is a friend of ___She is a friend of ___.A.him B.hisC.my选那个? 求好听的梦三国军团英文名大神们帮帮忙 姓蔡取英文名字和中文名字发音 相似 我姓蔡,麻烦帮我选个英文名…… 我想要好听的英文名 我姓蔡 adapt to 与adopt to 两者都有适应的意思,在用的时候怎么区别? 改错:1.She was born in a small city 2.You should stop talking,I have something to say