
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:51:54
初一下学期所有英语动词固定搭配?能多更好? 在下列函数中:(1)y=2x (2)y=-2x+3 (3)y=2x的平方-1 (4)=x分之1 (5)y=6-x,其中是一次函数的是___(填序号)谢谢 y=2x-1和y=x∧2-1都是一次函数吗,∧为平方 英语翻译英文 英语翻译不著文字名解脱;不染六尘名护法;出离生死名出家;不受后有名得道;不生妄想名涅盘;不处无明为大智慧;无烦恼处名般涅盘;无心相处名为彼岸.迷时有此岸,若悟时无此岸. 颛顼是谁? 颛顼的妻子是谁? 颛顼怎么解释 颛顼之子有谁 介绍一下颛顼 青岛科技大学英语怎么样 1.写出下列带括号字的古意与今义.1.列子学射,中矣,请(于)关尹子.古义:___ 今义:___2.退而(习)之.古义:___. 今义:___.3.子知子之所以中(者)乎?古义:___. 颛顼的简介 颛顼的历史 有女如此, Atlanta ﹏ music test study hard 已知函数f(x)=aInx-ax-3,(1)讨论函数f(x)的单调性;为什么区间能包含1,怎么知道什么时候包含什么时候不包含, 已知函数f(x)=x-x/2+1-aInx,a>0 讨论f(x)的单调性最好详细点 能看懂的 写了 讨论函数f(x)=x^2-aInx(a大于等于0)的单调性! 证明an=2n+1 n=1时成立 n=k时ak=2k+1 n=k+1时 ak+1=2k+3 .就是这一步开始 然后要怎么做下去- - 老王中,他送的冰比他的前任送的大一倍,冰价相等.有什么作用? 有女若汝 夫复何求 有女作汝,夫复何求? 英语cloze,英语好的帮忙下啊- -ClozeHomesickness is very common among students away from home — even those who had previously been away at overnight camp or traveled far away.There is a difference __1__ being away from home for 8 weeks and 英语Cloze文章Everyone likes a person with good manners but no one laikes a person with bad manners."Yes,"you may say,"①___ what are good manners?How do I know what to doand what not to do?" Here are sone examples of the things that a well-ma 英语Ⅱ、ClozeThe idea of rainmaking is almost as old as man,but it was not until 1946 16 man succeeded in making rain.In 17 times,rainmakers had claimed to bring rain by many methods; dancing,singing,killing various kinds of living 18 (including 英文cloze 急Make Your Korean Trip enjoyableThinking (1) going skiing,shopping or enjoying SPA in South Korea?Here are some tips for you to make the most out of your holiday in one of the liveliest countries in Asia.First,let's talk (2) money matte 上联:南通州,北通州,南北通州通南北.下联:( ).急 250平方的BVV铜芯线能过多少安电流 主要是思路.求a? 求春秋战国和秦朝的穿越小说 最好是女生穿越而且女主是谋士的 文笔好点的越多越好 根据篇数可适当加分