
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 21:31:33
方程组x+2y=5m,6x-y=4m的解满足x-2y+1=0,m=? 第40题 (2.0) 分 The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but() a lot of special customs as well.A、share B、spare C、.hold D、carry 第42题 (2.0) 分 The moon() to a large mirror which reflects the s 英语选择题 最好有解释 1,Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?Oh,that's ( )A.what makes me feel excited B.whatever I feel excited about C.how I feel about it D.when I feel excited2,The house still needed a lot of work,but( )the kitchen was finished.A.instead B.alt 解方程组 5x-2y=1 6x+y=8 外语版初三英语上册module6 unit1文章及翻译 英语翻译随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展,人民生活水平不断提高,广大民众对生活水平的质量要求也越来越高,中小型畜牧类企业在国民经济中的作用愈显突出.然而宁夏的中小型畜牧类 英语翻译SIMULATION IN OPTISYSTEM SOFTWAREOptiSystem is an innovative optical communication system simulation package that designs,tests,and optimizes virtually any type of optical link from the physical layer to the transport layer according OSI 用整体代入法解下列方程组:3x+8y=10、5x-12y=23. 英语翻译Today,MRI finds widespread application in the detection of disease and surgicalplanning.MR images are highly detailed representations of internal anatomy.Thesemay be called parameterized images because considerable skill is involved in ad 已知方程组 3x+8y=10 5x-12y=23 的解满足方程3kx+2y=1,求k的值 把全部过程写出来,详细点 销售一空 用英语怎么说?什么东西被销售一空, 英语翻译The response of two peanut cultivars (Tainan 9 and SK 38) to applications of six boron (B) rates (H3BO 3 at 0,0.12,0.25,0.5,1 and 2kg B ha -1) at two calcium levels [nil (-Ca) or CaSO 4 at 100kg Ca ha-~(+Ca)] to a B-deficient Oxic Paleust 英语一道空题! 空这个一个空白(英语) 问题是这样的:一位以为质量为m的运动员从下蹲状态向上起跳,经△t时间,身体伸直并刚好离开地面,在此过程中:A.地面对他的冲量为mv+mg△t,地面对他做的功为½mv^2B.地面对他的冲量为mv+ 回答我一个问题 这句话用英语怎么说 求空着的英语答案 帮我回答一个英语问题Why should a written contract he signed although the seller and the buyer have reached an agreement through negotiation?不是,打错了,应该是Why should a written contract be signed although the seller and the bu Find the ratio of the following:(1) Number of the straberries:Number of the oranges =___________(2)The weights of two boys are in the ratio 3:2.The weight of the thinner boy is 48kg.The weight of the other is___________ 用42厘米长的绳子围成一个长方形,使它的长和宽的比是4:3.这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘米?列算式 英语求答案,(一空这个单词) 若关于x的方程(3-m)x的2|m|-5的次方+4=-26是一元一次方程'求这个方程的解 在一个倾角30度的斜面上有一个重4N的物体被平行与斜面的细线绑在斜面上端的小柱上,斜面被固定在测力计上,整个装置保持静止,如果物体与斜面的摩擦不计,装置稳定以后,当细线被烧断物体 英语答案,跪求……(一空填一个) 有道题的图是这样的.求原题 7.4-(x-2.1)=6解方程 初二年级上英语外研Module4 Unit2 课文翻译 一质量不计的直角形支架两端分别连接质量为m和2m的小球A和B.支架的两直角边长度分别为2l和l,支架可绕固定轴O在竖直平面内摩擦转动,开始时OA边处于水平位置,由静止释放,什么时候A的速度 x+1/2=2-x/7 解方程 2(x-1.7)=7.2 的解方程 物理;有道物理题搞不懂请教一下!请详细解释把高2米的发光体立于焦距5米的凸透镜前,在凸透镜后的光屏上成了4厘米高的像,物体离凸透镜的距离可能是( A )A;7.8厘米 B;12.5厘米 C