
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:16:35
It was so cold last night that they had to have the fire____ all night long.A.burn B.burnt C.burned D.burning 用特殊疑问词=do you guess造你猜我昨天去那里了 compare and contrast "fling & throw"could you tell me what different between fling and throw Write a compare and contrast paragraph,about animaStructure 1.includes a topic sentence 2.uses an appropriate compare/contrast structure 3.uses signal words to oranise the main points 4.uses approriate linking devices and reference words to produce a 英语 来 先要好评的gun students have they winter holiday in fstudents have they winter holiday in february.easter is in march and april.look!heis skate.christmas is in december 25th.改错 it happen ( ) a cold winter holiday.inat on\选哪个为什么谢谢 Students have their winter holiday( in February).画线提问 write a paragraph about sometiong you accomplishedtell what the goal was. explain what problems you faced.how are you going to accomblish your goal. Write a concluding paragraph about goal. -guess what!I came across an old friend at the party last night.-__.I'm sure you had a wonderfultime.正确答案是sounds good.我知道这是对的,但是“how nice "为什么不可以,它不是”多好啊,多棒啊“的意思么? 朝花夕拾简要概括 She is always asking many questions对吗 朝花夕拾概括尽量简洁,越少越好,100~200字左右最好 She always has many new and good ideas是什么意思 she has many s______ at school.so she's always b______ from monday to friday 辨析下列多义词的不同意思假 A.以是人多以书假余B.君子生非异也,善假于物也C.假令仆伏法受诛,若九牛一毛D.乃悟前狼假寐,盖以诱敌 读书为什么使人进步 开头是‘you aer my friend’ 天窗阅读答案18.文章围绕“天窗”,写了哪些体现母爱的事情?(3分) 19.品味文中两处画线句,按要求答题.(4分) (1)赏析下面句子.(2分) 雨点轻轻重重、缓缓急急地也在我清澈的心湖上奏响,泛漾 把逢入京使编成一篇小作文怎样编呢? 我们没有英语书有英语怎么说 书是人类进步的阶梯,用英语怎么说 That is for 海豚可以私人养殖吗?要想养殖海豚的步骤是什麽?养海豚是给小孩治疗自闭症,自闭症是很难治疗的疾病,目前发病率高,所以养海豚.你说的"有关方面"是指哪国家哪个部门? That is sfor 究竟到底海豚怎么养RT 如果我想养个海豚,该怎么养呢?需要什么呢?吃什么呢? RT 如果我想养个海豚,该怎么养呢?需要什么呢?吃什么呢? 如何饲养海豚我非常喜欢海豚,他们好可爱,与人非常亲切,我喜欢他们不亚于喜欢猫咪,怎么才能饲养海豚 海豚饲养员和海豚驯养师的区别我想知道 海豚 饲养员 和海豚 驯养师 有什么区别````为什么饲养员做的工作都是驯养师 ``做的`````比如 带海豚表演这些`````还是饲养员``就是```驯养师呢`` You can my good friendYou can ____(be) my good friend 根据括号内单词的适当形式填空 gun什么意思