
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:51:55
用be going to的形式填空I___ ___ (have) a meeting in the afternoon In doing we 这是一条谚语 learn to do sth,还是learn doing sth如上,讲情语法 in doing we learn嘛意思? learn doing和learn to do百度上搜来说没有learn doing,可是作业上有一题是这样啊:I learned cooking from my mother.这怎么回事?到底两者有什么差别,有的说没有learn doing,有的又说有,到底是什么啊, In doing we learn将上面的英语翻译为俗语 到深圳南山上班英语口语不好的话,可以做什么工作呢? They are going to watch TV tomorrow.改成否定句和疑问句 4.They are going to have the serviceman ___ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.A.installB.to installC.to be installedD.installed为什么不是其他选项,尤其是B,请详细说明,顺便说一下have的用法. They are not going to play ball tomorrow.改为一般疑问句怎么改?如题.是不是are they not going to play ball?还是aren't they going to play ball? They are going swimming tomorrow?用camp改为选择疑问句 从垦利坐啥车能直接到东职,118吗, int 是取整函数吗下列程序段执行以后,内存标量y的值是:CLEARX=12345Y=0DO WHILE X>0y=y+xx=int(x/10)ENDDO?y它给的答案是15 ,我不理解了,高手 能给出详细的解答过程么 we should always remember "Learn by doing ". 句酷英语作文批改我得了81(满分100),可以无限制地修改,请问如何提高分数 They will go to have a picnic next week.(改为否定句) They are going to have a picnic next week的同义句?they are ()()a picnic next week.还有:he is going to see Uncle Wang.(加see a film 改为选择疑问句)()he going to see Uncle Wang ()a film? they are going to move to beijing next year改为否定句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 同学作文 外貌描写 函数round和trunc有什么区别呀? dig过去式 过去分词 现在分词 "dig"的过去式是什么? 怎么翻译“思想积极进步,政治觉悟较高,始终保持党员的先进性和纯洁性,敢于同各种反动思想作斗争.” 英语翻译给我推荐一本关于中国政治作品的英文翻译作品吧,可以是邓小平、江泽民的著作翻译,但最好是最新的政治翻译,比如十七大报告及中央最新提法的翻译等等,是正规中央机构翻译的就 爱国不等于爱党,政治立场适应根据实际、实践出真知,还是迎合主流观点,人云亦云?国家利益并不等同于个人利益,将个人利益提升到国家、借机为个人谋私欲的行为为何愈演愈烈?政治觉悟如 php的ord与chr函数疑问我一直以为php是采用ASCII 码php的ord函数说的是返回字符的ASCII 码,但是给他个汉字他也能返回,这说明他采用的应该不是ASCII 编码应该是utf-8或gb2312一类的编码把chr函数能返 pascal中ord是什么意思?解释解释 这件夹克衫是红色的用英语怎么说?请以_________ ____________(红色) ___________这样的格式填写!!! 用swim做例子,表明过去式和过去分词有什么区别 “从现在开始”用英文怎么说? 过去分词与过去式的区别是什么? Complete the sentences with proper form of the words in the bracketsThere are many .(difference)between the two languages.Good food and exercise help me .(study)better.Breakfast is really good for you.(healthy)