
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:19:52
英语翻译今天是我在A的最后一天,从2004加入A至今已经4年多的时间,这些青春的时光将会成为我人生中最重要和最难忘的日子在这里感谢每一位领导,同事,和客户,你们给予了我很多的帮助,让我 英语翻译都是文言文不懂啊,求翻译,某某物业红丰家园管理处:李云舟者,蜀中高隐,川北野儒也!浪迹江南,栖滞湖州。虽有经天纬地之才。而奈时遇不济,命运多舛,冯唐亦老,李广难 pea的复数形式 初中物理介绍的颜料的三原色是? 机电一体化什么概念? 怎样学英语提升快? 焦裕禄有后代吗? He didn't choose any of the shirts and went away without looking at the third one.这句话对吗?里头可以用“any”吗? The customer didn't choose ___of the ties and went away without looking at a third one.A both B any C all D either She ____(choose) the red one .She didn't choose the brown one. How one presents himself at an __________ will often decide whether or not he will be given a job.A.occasionB.easeC.investigationD.interview选哪个 ,咋翻译嘛 he is eating something____that restaurant now. Walking Water and Cloud,the dance film clears是什么意思 what natural phenomena are measured by the Richter scale? on the minute怎么翻译,有准时的意思,有整点的意思吗? Successful people do _______things,they do things_______.A.different; differently B.differently; differently C.different; different D.differently; different 作文《Things I hate to do》一篇英语作文,不少于60字,要求有正能量What are the things that you hate to do? What do you hate doing most?Why?(2个理由)总结 walking and ridingyour bike ___,and ___ ___ ___ ___同义句改写:Walking and riding your bike are effective :doing school sports are effective too.Walking and ring your bike ___;and____ _____ ____ ____ 过去时的agoLong long ago=o_____upon a t_____;不久前:some t_____ago;不久前:a w____ago 扩写句子:书籍是营养品 庄子的名句是什么 融资融券开户门槛要多少原来要50万,听说现在降低了,只要10万,是真的吗 融资融券怎么操作 门槛高吗 融资融券门槛太高,怎么样才能融资交易?我只有八万炒股资金,想放大一下 He can't ______ his diary A.look B.find C.watch wrong的比较级,最高级 —How is your Russian getting ______?—Too hard .I am going to give it ______.A to;up B in;in C over;away D on;up 是不是所有的形容词都有比较级和最高级?wrong的比较级是什么?有关英语的问题 去豫园玩什么 “wrong”的最高级和比较级是什么? 天地有大美而不言是什么意思 天地有大美而不言,从哲学上分析