
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:08:40
Just Like a dream that I never wanna wake up from.这句有毛病么? 英语翻译 简单谓语(simple predicate)请帮忙分析下句中的simple predicate是(选项1-4):1.was2.studied3.was studied4.其它句子:This book was studied two years ago.回答者请说明为什么是这个答案, Maybe this is a happy ````````````1``` Simple是啥意思?好象写错了啊,忘了,好象跟不懂事差不多? 英语翻译这个战场留在了长眠于此的战士们的记忆中。be consecrated to 还有:“留给(在)……”的意思 如何能更快的提高英语水平我想提高英语水平,可是大量的词汇把我搞的头晕目眩的!自己也变的越来越没有信心!希望大家能给我出出注意!(我想考4级) 提高英语水平最快的方法是什么? 提高英语水平的更快途径是什么如今的英语程度达到优胜的状况可以自由沟通简单读写然则明显感到单词量不敷我该怎么做更进一步的进步本身的英语程度呢吗求谜底 英文合同中,公司名前用M/S.是什么意思英文合同中To:abc company 时有时候会写To:M/s. abc company 请问M/s.在这里是什么意思. The young girl works in an office.(对画线部分提问)in an office是画线部分 ___ ___the young girl__?The woman in blue is his mother.(对画线部分提问)his mother是画线部分 ____ ___the woman in blue?Her brother is a doctor. he is in the office.改为一般疑问句 阳前面加个什么英语好? -野兽 前面加个英语谁帮我想个 Maybe this is maybe this is fate 还是the fate It is too windy.翻译过来是什么? 一句英语翻译:winter is often windy and rainy like fall I listen to music every day的被动语态 I listen to music every day 变被动语态,listen不是不及物动词吗?为什么老师说 The music is listened to every day by me. look at和listen to的被动语态它们的被动语态不是应该是把to还原么?那listen to和还原后的listen to有什么区别举例说明一下 用“keep…… to oneself” 翻译“我希望你能保守这个秘密” Keep something to oneself. it seemed that learning well had nothing to do with them翻译,是什么从句 keep sth to oneself 造句 I didn't buy the apples; she gave them to me ______ nothing. a. as b. with c. by d. for (语文)4.填入下面横线上的句子,排列恰当的一项是(3分)4.填入下面横线上的句子,排列恰当的一项是(3分)千岛湖畔的油茶树,生就了一副怪脾气.______________________ 冷寂的秋天在油茶花的映 为什么我说话平翘舌不分拜托了各位 我老是把平翘舌不分为什么 一紧张就平翘舌不分该怎么办?平常说话都很好,就是上台讲话什么的一紧张就会平翘舌不分,尤其会把平舌说成翘舌,好烦啊! learned abou 和learn 有什么区别.we have (learned about) all the elements on the periodic table in our science classes.we have learned correct grammer ,punctuation ,and spelling in our English classes...这是完形填空中的一段话,括号 learn的形容词形式