
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:44:55
公共假日public holiday、商务文件business document用不用加复数s公共假日:是 public holiday 还是 public holidays 需不需要加s?商务文件同上我自己觉得不用加但在网上查到上面两个词,都是加了s的,所 All except Kathy ____ to the field.A.have been going B.has gone C.is going D.have gone 怎样判断串联、并联电路 just joined our local community-Be the first to welcome her 串联电路和并联电路的辨别都不闭,闭S1时,闭S2时 都闭时 各什么路如何辨别 Have you already Strictly ______(speak),your work is not well done. Everyting have taken into consideration,his work is well done.请问这句话有错吗? 节操碎一地 什么意思 试论感性认识和理性认识的关系及其方法论意义 TEST DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT怎么样 development 的短语和意思,最好有例子 development 意思 自动热水增压泵可以用于自来水增压么? 声光控制电路负载功率<100W的白炽灯.可是我要控制日光灯,可负载功率最好在200W左右电路要如何改进 感性认识与理性认识的含义及其二者的辩证关系 什么叫感性认识,理性认识,二者的辨证关系要考试了,这20个问题都是的 They skate better than all of us?对they提问 liked better than Well,Billy has done a lot of work on the engineon the engine是状语还是定语还是宾补?如何区分宾语后的状语、定语、宾补? 这时串联电路还是并联电路 谁能告诉我这是串联电路还是并联电路,为什么 概念 推理 判断 是哲学中的感性认识还是理性认识 这个是并联电路还是串联电路? 从哲学基础知识上比较感性认识和理性认识的区别和联系? 亚洲与欧洲之间分界线 有一种海洋生物生了宝宝就死了---是哪个有一种生物,生活在海洋里,她们生宝宝的时候,宝宝出生了他们也死了,因为宝宝要把他的内脏全部吃掉才出来,等宝宝出来的时候她只剩下一个空壳. 填空:( No,he hasn't been to work today.He's been to the doctor's. Diane hasn't been at work yesterday.这句话怎么改正? 英语翻译W:Well,he hasn't been himself lately.M:Is he still upset about the job?W:Yes,he was really disappointed.M:He can't go on being depressed forever .He has to start looking for something else. He is so absorb in the work that he hasn't had a bite since monring.翻译 水草菊花藻怎么繁殖?