
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:51:45
when the words "llove you "were sere said by you for the first time,my world blossoms.谁能帮我翻译 when the words.i love you were said by you for the first tome my word.when the words.i love you were said by you for the first tome my word.会有多少种理解方法吗?请列出! When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time,my world blossoms. what can if you are not good at English是什么意思 the 在元音和辅音前如何发音听力比较差,现在在猛练,希望有效果, i短元音的发音为什么我在发i这个音的时候,有时感觉在发ei! 新视野大学英语第二版第二册Preview那段话的翻译 急求新视野大学英语3第一单元preview的翻译 瑶字怎么组词 瑶字如何组词 瑶可以组什么词语急用明天要交,上网的大哥大姐来帮帮我吧组2个 long time ago,there lived a man who worklong time ago,there lived a man who worked as a poor stonecutter. he was not happy with his job or his position in life.(完形填空) there lived a very wise man 中的 there there+be动词不是表示有的意思吗?那there 以In my hometown there lived a sixty -year-old man.开头的短文 【英式发音的】英语音标中的中元音是有3个还是2个? Here once lived in Greece a learned man.这里的倒装句怎么理解? Long ago,there lived a learned man in Greece.He was well-konwn for his wide knowledge And lots of这里的 Inside the big one is my knowledge of things,and inside the smaller one yours..and可以换成、while吗.【短文填空】 作文 My Busy Morning My mother ' s busy morning写一篇60字左右的英语作文要用上first .then .next.afterwards.finally.的 1 美式短元音/i/ ,究竟怎样读?我听录音时 我听到三种情况1 /i/ 2 /e/ 就好想been,听起来就想bank3 /ei/ I'm working on it.听起来就 I'm working onit /onei t/下边两种最不明白,究竟要在什么什么时候发哪个音? 元音i的读音i是读‘yi’还是ei?有人告诉我读yi但怎么有时读ei?如luckily,最后读ei? 已知a=(根号2)-1,b=2倍根号二-根号6,c=(根号6)-2 试比较a,b,c的大小,用<连接 已知a=(根号2)-1,b=2倍根号二-根号6,c=(根号6)-2试比较a,b,c的大小,用<连接 已知△ABC中,∠A=60°,a=根号6,b=4,那么满足条件的△ABC的形状大小A.有一种情形 B.有两种情形 C.不可求出 D.有三种以上情形 取个好听的英文名.好的给采纳. 瑶 可以组什么词 Do mor exercises and you will get stronger哪里错了? do more exercise,you will get stronger.中的 will和stronger是什么意思? do more exercise .you —— (get )stronger用括号里的词的适当形式填空 male是什么意思啊?快啊 male什么意思? Male是什么意思 male意思