
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 15:06:38
英语翻译1.for retailers,a key measure of interest is the number of people visiting a retail location or website2..products must be presented or merchandised to customers in a way that generates interest.3.customers will only be satisfied they can 英语翻译我已将服务报价做完,但目前JACK在度假,无法接收邮件.JACK周三回公司,审核报价后,我将转给用户. 英语翻译On Christmas Eve,children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.Father Christmas is very kind-hearted.He gets to t 英语翻译If you are out at lunch time,you can eat in a restaurant or to McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken to have fast food.When you went to eat in a restaurant,you first go and sit down at a table.Then you read a menu and give your order,and 英语翻译Our school was going to have an international food festival.l was looking forward to it.But l had only 50 cents in my money box.l had to make some money.People tell me that money doesn't grow on trees.l helped my mom with the dog.l gave h 英语翻译 很急很急~~~~肯定有积分Mr and Mrs Wilson and their children were going to a beautiful place to a beautiful place to spend their holidays. They had to be at the airport at eleven forty. "It'II take us half an hour to get there by 英语翻译请你用英语列举一下你身边日常生活的一些好行为和不良行为.(最好每个写五条,若少于五条也可以.)Good manners:__________________________________________________________________________________________ 和任何颜色相配 翻译 与……相配 用英文翻译 英语翻译:它跟任何别的颜色搭配都很好 白色可以和其他任何一种颜色搭配的很好white can ____ ____ _____ any other colour. 服装颜色搭配金色亮片吊带衫、深蓝色牛仔裤、黑色针织开衫 这几样颜色搭配在一起好看吗?或者是换成黑色亮片吊带衫比较保险? 女性服装颜色搭配常识要求有女性着装颜色搭配基础理论与见搭配例子 英语翻译 工作服穿着情况 (就是看看大家是不是都穿了)英语怎么说 他喜欢穿一件白色制服用英语怎么说?穿用wear表示 他穿着上面有红色字的蓝色制服怎么翻译 “我是昨天和你合影的制服女孩” 英语翻译这句话 制服 用英语怎么说 翻译:我穿着白色的工作服,协助医生工作. 穿着白短裙的女孩翻译成中文 穿白色短裙的女孩的英文 女孩穿的是短裙用英语怎么说? 穿白色短裙的女孩正在抄写新单词 英文 穿绿短裙的女孩用英语怎么说? 你认识那个穿红色短裙的女孩子吗Do you know the girl ___ ___ ____ ___ red skirt 英文翻译:一个穿红裙的女孩.谢谢啊是不是: a wears red skirt girl.谢谢. 穿紫色裙子的女孩是我的妹妹 请问怎么翻译 “白雪公主和7个小矮人”怎么用英语翻译出来? 用英文翻译:这个标题! "把它涂成白色"英语怎么说 白色用英语怎么说 白色的英语怎么说“白色”