
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:31:09
仿写句子.要求所写句子与上下文结构一致,意思连贯,所用修辞方法相同.春天,那和煦的微风,如母亲那慈春天,那和煦的微风,如母亲那慈爱的双手,拂去了我们心中的烦恼;夏天,那明亮的日光, 要求内容相关,结构相似,预期一致,修辞手法相同`桥,是泥泞中的一块钻石;是___________;是_____________;是____________. he looks around and sees the monkeys ( )his cap.A wear B wearing C to wear 英语翻译2013年3月9日 晴今天早上,我做了一件“坏事”.早上我是最早起床的,那时候家人还在睡觉.我去妈妈的房间找我昨天放在她房间的手机.结果吵醒了她,看到是我就要求我为全家人煮一锅 I just did not have what it took to win a school election 分析一下句子成分 in different countries翻译成中文(初一英语暑假作业上的) 请帮我分析一下 the new are going to be published just the point 句子成分 just和 the point 什么词性 the new are going to be published just the point when the public are concerned about that.这是完整的 刚打不下 以为没事。 Pour une personne de changer.Pour une personne paient de leur tant pis pour 上周我去西门子面试了,我表现的很不错了,就因为我英语口语差,现在工作这么难找, I Don't Own You 怎么分析Jack said it was just what was worrying him most .what引导的是什么从句 It is said that jack__to Qomolangma Base Camp and__a Yeti there.A had just been;sawB has just been;saw Cwent;had seen Dwent;was going to see这是间接英语吗,能具体分析下吗, 请用英语来解释句子 记得是用英文解释句子 1.I was deeply moved by the life of the poor boy.2.All of the children are looking forward to visiting the Shanghai Exposition.3.We have raised a lot of bottled water for the people in southw La signature autorise la personne introducing randomness into the compressor什么意思啊? POURQUOI LIRE怎么样 J’aime LiuQing pourquoi as far as I concerned是什么意思 他托起我的手臂 1.请用简洁的语言概括选文情节中高潮部分的内容.2.品味句中加点词的表达效果:我看见我的孩子眼睛一亮,紧紧盯住其中的一件礼物.(一亮和盯住加点)3.选文第(7)段划 "无臂飞鱼"阅读答案阅读短文,完成练习.“无臂飞鱼” 每一个看过中国残疾人运动员何正权训练和比赛的场面,无不为他坚强、自信和对生活的乐观态度所大吃一惊感染.何军权是3岁时因淘气 compressor package是什么意思?压缩机包?压缩机包装?还是压缩机组?package在这里是指?原文是compressor package performence curve,还有一句 the package discharge temperature shall not exceed 75°C do all the good you Do all the good you canthe good 是来修饰 all 请帮忙分析这句话的句子成分 It was in the small house _____ was built with stones by his father _____ he spent his childhood.求分析 手摇硬币得的卦 算感情性别:女 12月28日19:00的第一个人得离卦 19:20第二个人得观卦 不知道两个人如何抉择,懂周易的大师帮忙看一下 I don't like this ______.It's too long.这里为什么填dresses而不是dress he,with his family,____a very small house,中间填什么啊 英语翻译She who has never loved,has never lived. 语文知识:帮忙看看这句话是否有语病我去过一间发廊剪过3-4次头发,每次只需要花3元钱.然后我跟人说:“我每次去那间发廊都是剪3元那种的.”然后这个人发驳我说这句话有问题,说我只去 主语形式虽为单数但意义为复数 谓语动词用复数 如 No Patch Currently Availablefanyiyixia