
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 16:51:16
语法题请分析A,D里选哪个啊谢谢Having missed the last bus,Peter had no choice( ) a taxi home though he did not like the idea.A.but to take B.to take outC.take to but D.but take 英语翻译 these songs are very popular this year的同义句 these handicrafts r very popular( )tourists visiting this mysterious land.a.to b.for c.withd.among 70。13wswss11986 吴彦祖的粉丝 谢 that`s ok.green ----s are very popular this year.填空 ________ dictionaries are very popular with students these days. 怎样可以提高语文成绩.高一怎样可以提高语文成绩.我现在高一了.本人选理科.语文总在90-100之间...请问有什么好办法可以提高语文成绩谢了` 如何提高语文成绩,我的文言文翻译很差劲。 高一怎么提高语文成绩?语文课很无聊,答案具体点 语法题请分析B,D选哪个?If Peter had enough money,he ( ) on the trip to Los Angeles.A.had goneB.would go C.went D.would have gone 语法题目请分析为什么不选B谢谢"Do u smell smoke?""Yes.Something ( ).A.should have burnedB.must have burnedC.should have been burningD.must be burning 请好心人帮我把这句话再翻译一下,谢谢sometimes something as simple as a farm pond-which collects rainwater to be used in dry weather-can make the difference between a good harvest and a bad one. 英语翻译诗人把“康桥”视为“难得的知己”,“生命的泉源”,精神依恋之故乡”,《再别康桥》选取康桥有代表性的景色构成意象来表达他对母校的热爱和依恋. you would love me too的空间链接 you would love me too空间连接.. 求 you would love me too mp3 如图,三角形ABC中,角BAC=60,AB=2AC.点P在三角形ABC内,且PA=根号3,PB=5,PC=2,则角APC的度数为_____,三角形ABC的面积为______. 连词成句will a help your it be great with eyes 三角形ABC在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标是(0,1),点B的坐标是(3,1),点C的坐标是(4,3),如果要三角形ABD与三角形ABC全等,那末点D的坐标是(-1,3)(-1,1)(4,-1)==,但是总觉得(-1,1)是错的,应该是(-1, 羽字旁加中是什么字 已知3、a、4、b、5这五个数据,其中a、b是方程x^2-3x+2=0的两个根,则这五个数据的标准差是___根号2____什莫叫标准差?初三好像没学过! 1几知定点A(4,2),O是坐标原点,则线段OA的垂直平分线方程是__;2.己知实数x,y满足x+y大于或等于2;,x-y小于或等于2;0小于或等于y小于或等于3;则z=2x-y的最大值是__; 语法题目请解释分析谢谢为什么不选Cby the time the course ends ( )a lot about culture.A.we'll learnt B.we r leaving C.we have learnt D.we'll have learnt 语法题目请解释分析谢谢为什么不选Ayour mother ( ) for u everywhere.where have u been?A.had looked B.has been looking C.looked D.was looking 语法题目请解释分析谢谢为什么不选BMr.Wilson asked me if these islands ( ) Italy.A.have been belonged to B.r belong to C.belong to D.belonged to 中国上下五千年和世界上下五千年各10篇50字的读后感 《世界上下五千年》读后感 how were the assistants in the store?_____friendly 1.they ere 2.they were 3.they did 4.they do 高一梦游天姥妗留别,古诗为焦仲卿妻作得两片翻译以及文章的中心思想所表达作者的情感! 注:人教版的 语文文言文中,怎样辨别而,之的意义 高一下语文古文哪篇比较重要人教版的