
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:36:53
英语翻译 南昆铁路经过的地区地形特点是 南昆铁路的建设有哪些意义? 分析南昆铁路的区位因素? 英语中怎么区分主格,宾格,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词和反身代词?主格:I he she it we they宾格:me him her it us them形代:my hims her its our their名代:mine hims hers its ours theirs反身代词:myself himself he 谁有唯美的语句和诗歌?要有关爱情的,也可以是歌词啦,是可以写进文章的那种哦!富有诗意,能表达感情的最好!可以有甜蜜的,也可以有悲伤的.还要比较悲伤的一些句子哦!诗词就免了吧,只要是 1.原电池里为什么锌片上有电子?2.为什么要往铜那边不直接于H+反应呢?根据方程式ZN+H2SO4=ZESO4+H2 为啥还有电子到铜那边啊?简单的说就是铜离子的得电子能力要比氢离子的得电子能力要强?为 唯美的古诗句 关于铜锌原电池的问题铜锌原电池就是那个锌片插在ZnSO4溶液中,铜片插在CuSO4中,铜锌之间用导线连接,然后用盐桥连接的那个装置.问题就是为什么Zn会失电子?锌片插在ZnSO4溶液中,应该不会这 please don't make so much noise.可以省掉so么?我不太明白这里干嘛要用so Don't make so much noise.同义句 ( )( )so much noise. Would you please _ so much noise? oh,sorry,I won't. A. not make B.don't make C.not to make D.making Don't make so much noise.Please keep___/A.quiet B.quite C.quietly D.more quietly you don't have to make so much noise,do you? potato名词复数 在光滑的水平面上,质量分别为m1和m2的木块,A和B之间用轻弹簧相连,在拉力F的作用下以加速度a做匀加速直线运动,某时刻突然撤去拉力F,此瞬时A和B的加速度为a1和a2,则A.a1=a2=0B.a1=a,a2=0C.a1=[m1/(m1+m 写出描写春风,春水,春雨的古诗句春水风雨 要水 电池中为什么铜是正极锌是负极 铜锌电池的电子从负极到正极,那为什么在电路中电子也从负极到正极可是不是锌失电子吗?锌是负极呀,我有点晕 How many students, do you think, will be present at the meeting?A.there being B.there to be C.there be D.there been i think i will watch you lifetime 什么意思 How many studengts, do you think, will be present at the meeting?--I expect ___20 students at themeeting.A.there being B.there to be C.there be D.there been 求解释 真理诞生于一百个问号之后换一个说法意思不变 求翻译:It won't make much difference whether she comes or not ___make too much difference whether she joins the club or not为什么不是This doesn't 而是It doesn't She will make a plan.(改为一般疑问句) she will make him a good wife和she will make him a good husband哪个是双宾?哪个是宾补?我看过你的答案,还有种判断两种宾语的方法:在间接宾语后面加上be动词,若能构成合乎逻辑的句子,后面的名词就是 英语要多久才能过6级从小就对英语感兴趣,可是太贪玩了,没好好把握机会,现在对英语越来越感兴趣,谁能告诉我什么地方学英语最好. 达到英语六级的就进~~~~~~~~~~~Peter and Bill were good friends.One day they 1 to go on vacation to the seasideTogether.The seaside was more than 100kilometers 2 .The roads were good,soThey didn’t think it would be 3 “We’ll go by bike, 英语翻译香蕉 汉堡包西红柿冰激凌沙拉草莓梨牛奶面包食物橙子蔬菜水果大米胡萝卜鸡肉鸡蛋明星 英语翻译punishment惩罚名词可以复数么【我们必须接受应有的惩罚.全球变暖是其中之一】Global warming is one of _________这个是写 it 还是them如果都不对 这句话应该怎么写啊还有这句话 希望不要用 英语翻译这三个、、、