
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:40:34
一堆沙重5份之4吨,每天用去6份之1,5天一共用去这堆沙的多少?5天一共用去多少吨沙? 5dm等于多少cm 一本英语字典的厚度3.5dm还是cm 一密度为0.4g/cm³,体积为5dm³的正方体木块一般浸在水中,求 1、绳的拉力 2、已知绳的最大拉力为14.7N,往容器中加水,当木块露出多大体积时,绳刚好被拉断 3、若容器的底面积是100cm², 5dm³50cm³ =( )dm³=( )cm³5立方分米50立方厘米=( )立方分米=( )立方厘米 He said that he would have to work on Sunday.判断下列句子是否正确,并改正 he said (that) the text was very difficult and that we had to work hard at it.谁能分析一下这个句子啊 My workmate said to me that he had ____ in finishing the work within two hoursA.no difficulties B.some difficulties C.some difficulty D.a difficulty 一堆煤2吨,每天用去它的1/25,3天一共用去( ). He said he work for that boss the next year A went to B was going to C would going to D has wored 谁能帮我证明n取0+n取1+n取2加到n取n为什么等于2^n么? (2) 若玻璃管上方混入了少量空气,测的大气压值将 真实值.(3) 若玻璃管上方开了一个小孔,将会出现的现象是 (4) 若将玻璃管倾斜,管内的水银面的竖直高度将 ,而水 天平上被称量的物体与砝码放反了,如何用这个称错的数据算出真实物体的质量,我记得初中做过到题目,好像是在放错情况下得出物体的"质量"和砝码质量的乘积开根号!不知道是不是! 用托里拆利实验管做测大气压实验时,管中水银柱高度为75cm,如果在玻璃管的N处开一个小孔用托里拆利实验管做测大气压实验时,管中水银柱高度为75cm,如果在玻璃管的N处开一个小孔(N处即水银 How to adapt to the new school environment,how to make friends. I found ____ difficult to learn a new language.(1) this (2) it (3) that (4) such 玻璃石英比色皿和石英比色皿有什么不同? 有一工程,甲队单独完成需15天,乙队单独完成需30天,现由两队先做5天后.有一工程,甲队单独完成需15天,乙队单独完成需30天,现由两队先做5天后由乙队接替,乙队做了十天,剩余的工程由甲、乙两 什么水不能喝 生活中有哪些水不能喝? I want to ______(分发)some leaflets_______ask people to protect our environment. They want to protect themselves for the strange environment.here use "for"?not"from"?. I wanted borrowed some books on how to protect the environment怎么改错 We shuold collect some rubbish ____the environment .A.to help protect B.help protect C.hel to prot We shuold collect some rubbish ____the environment .A.to help protect B.help protect C.hel to pro 一件工作,若由甲独做72天完成,现在甲做1天后,乙加入一起工作,合作2天后,丙也一起工作,三人在一起工作4天,完成全部工作的1/3,又过了8天,完成了全部工作的5/6,若余下的工作由丙单独完成,还 用汞做托里拆利实验时,外面的大气压支持0.76m高的汞柱 如果换成水做实验 玻璃管至少要多长? 托里拆利实验装置见图所示,大气压为77厘米汞柱,实验过程玻璃管不离开水银面.将玻璃管倾斜,水银柱高 77托里拆利实验装置见图所示,大气压为77厘米汞柱,实验过程玻璃管不离开水银面.将玻 What made the scientists puzzled is __they should call the newly born creature,which looks very ststrange.A.which B,that C,what D,why这句话的后面是不是缺了宾语呀是不是选what呀!希望知道的朋友给我解释一下, what has impressed me most from being back in beijing was the amount of change in china 是谁的? 【语法分析】what is the most personal is also most general & What is most personal is most generalwhat is the most personal is also mostgeneral.What is most personal is most general上面两个句子,都是对的吗?如果是错的,请问应该 回答下面问题:1.What is the most common hobby?2.What is the most interesting hobby?3.What回答下面问题:1.What is the most common hobby?2.What is the most interesting hobby?3.What is the most unusual hobby?4.What hobby would you like to