
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 17:09:04
如何提高英语听力和阅读水平啊? 怎么提高英语听力水平以及阅读水平 请问下什么叫重读闭音节? 重读闭音节有哪些, 一部出色的戏剧用英语怎么说急 With介词短语做宾语补足语时 动词的形式如何确定?具体看几个例子:He stood with his arms folded before him.He sat there with his eyes closedHe talked to me with his legs trembling这三个句子中,with后的Verb ,有的是分 重读闭音节的单词是怎样的一个结构?是不是一个辅音加一个元音加一个辅音的单词?有哪些形容词是重读闭音节的? 什么是重读闭音节? I am not interested in the novel.(改同义句) The novel _____ _____ me. The person who wrote the novel was Mark Twain.是什么从句?为什么?算是哪个语法知识里的? 曹禺先生的《北京人》大体的故事背景,以及人物性格,最简单的概括,话剧旁白用的, 我想取个好听的英文名,最好是以L开头的,我姓罗 介宾短语和介词短语区别 真的懂的人来啊 几句话就说明白最好了哟 什么叫做重读闭音节先说明什么闭音节,开音节,然后再解释一下什么叫重读闭音节,最好举几个例子 有关国庆的英文诗歌字数不要太多,也不要太少,还要有正确的翻译哦~ Tina lent me an interesting book yesterday.Tina lent an interesting book____ _____yesterday. 英语 定语从句 I like novel that were written by Mark.I like Mark who wrote novel .I like novel that were written by Mark.I like Mark who wrote novel .第一句是例句 第二句是我自己写的 我想问一下我写的有错误吗 要是有 His name is Alan Robert Smith.His family name is 他的名字是艾伦.罗伯特.史密斯.他的姓氏是? 很字去掉偏旁是什么字 It's interesting ()game B.watching watch D.watched -What will you do from now?-I will watch interesting movies.A.for funny B.for fun C.for a funD.for a funny排成句子 连词成句,Hangzhou,from,Beijing,far 2.bookstore,school,the,in,is,front,of,,excuse,is,where,the,cinema 4.home,my,is,to,next,the,bank (最后能说下中文) 可以学英语的美剧 翻译短文Mark Twain's First Money One day Mark Twain told a story about his first money.  Schoolboys in those days didn't respect(尊敬)their teachers.They didn't take care of school things,either.The school had a rule:If a student damaged(损坏)his desk,the teacher would beat 英语翻译steve 我给你在微博的留言正好满了一百个了 自从上个月注册以来到现在 我只关注你一个明星 就给你留言 我并不知道你是否看了我的留言 但是我会坚持每天给你留的 相信总有一天 it is six o'clock ,the students ( )(watch)a football game Cinderella我想知道这是什么意思.要很全面的 连词成句 1,is,guangzhou,from,beijing,far 2,post office,school,the,is,front,of,the3,me,excuse,is,where,the,bookstore4,home,my,is,to,next,the,cinema----------- ------------ far fram here?yes itis very far 连词成句 the,of,in,library,who,the,is,boy,front,school(?) 杨字去掉部首是什么字