
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:18:09
为什么女人都会否认自己以前做过的事情呢?比如说曾经喜欢过一个人为什么一个女人曾经喜欢过你,你后来在问他曾经有没有喜欢过时,她们都会矢口否认呢?这是为什么呢? senior lower highs 还有就是higher lows.关于股价的旧高旧低是什么?前一交易日的最高价和最低价吗?还是开盘收盘价的比较? 请问the Riding strong on the sugar 请问这两句话哪句是对的,第一句If I had accompanied you to Hong Kong,this would not have happened.第二句If I had accompanied you to Hong Kong,this will not have happened.个人认为是第二局,但又不确定,如果有人知道可以 The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He__1__me with a puzzle-all because he waved to me like someone does__2__ seeing a close friend.A big,__3__smile accompanied his wave.For the ne 谁有[初中英语阅读阅读理解与完形填空100篇(七年级)]的答案,我要阅读的答案.谢了,我急,要上学了. 为什么表示年份用公元XXX年?而不是其他比如西元XXX、东元XXX? 高悬赏50分帮忙讲一讲37题,详解为什么d不行.38.A.bored B.nervous C.worried D.angry40.A.pages B.books C.copies D.papers41.A.a success 英语两句合一句David doesn't like the film.Simon doesn't like the film ,either.________David nor Simon ________the film. 英语两句合为一句I didn’t know .Where is your ID card?I didn't know ______ your ID card______.两个空填什么 Mr.Smith was walking on the street last Sunday evening.A good-looking young woman met him and said,"Good evening".But Mr.Smith couldn't r__1__ who she was.He didn't know her.He was much surprised and didn't know w__2__ to say.Then the woman knew that 第2小题如何计算面积? 完形填空英语急service rapid come decide before difficultskill describe suitable arrive easy attractive in 1996 when my husband and i lived in suzhou, china, shopping for suitable uniforms was not 51 . seven days ago, when we had a 1.Did anything dengerous happen in recent days?中 in recent days 的近义词A.not long ago B.in the present C.in the future2.cake,like,would,another,you连词成句3.clubs,to,the,we,about,all,want,learn连词成句4.power,machine,of,uses,this,only, 英语的完形填空!快急 用关联词把下列各组中两句话合为一句.1、我弄坏了他的钢笔.他一点也不生气.2、孙老师对大家要求很严.他的孩子也不例外.3、太空”清洁工“看到太空垃圾.太空”清洁工“靠过去抓住太空 season Season Ticket Loans的意思想问一下Season Ticket Loans是什么意思,这是公司的一种福利吗 急.One morning ,a crow(乌鸦)sit 1 an apple tree.There 2 some meat in her mouth.She wants to give it to 3 .4 old fox looks for his food.He 5 the crow and the meat.He wants to get 6 .So he says to the crow ,“Good morning,Mrs Crow.7 are you?” helen keller was born in america when she was a small ( ),she became blind and deaf .luckcily she had a teacher the teacher drew (  )in Helen‘shand helen learned to apeak and read she wrote a book about ( ) she travelled all over the ( ) 翻译:If you are planning to use the subway a lot,you should buy a subway ticket for ten ...If you are planning to use the subway a lot,you should buy a subway ticket for ten journeys because it's cheaper.谢过~~~ Ten plus ten is ten.Ten minus ten in ten.打一日常用品,可以用中文写. Ten plus ten is ten.Ten minus ten is tenTen plus ten is ten.Ten minus ten is ten.打—日常用品.(用中文写 出答案) 完形填空下面这是一篇小短文,里面1、2、3、4.这些是序号,除了No.5 这个课文里的不算.答的时候把短文复制下来把序号换掉,换成相应的每题的A、B、C、D就可以了.Dear Kathy,are you fine?It's very kind 选择题的第二小题应该怎么算 东西—西南走向,又是省区分界线,还是二三级阶梯分界线的是?A大兴安岭 B阴山 C巫山 D长白山是东北-—西南走向 怎么快速提高英语成绩 我高一 ,阅读还可以 就是完形填空和单项选择 急急急!想在假期努力冲起来啊!大仙些帮忙啊,配人教版的 茁壮成长如何完成 罥烟眉中罥什么意思? 英语翻译1、I would like to apologize to Joy Kasson for a frigid response to one of the questions that she asked which was perfectly appropriate and the response was not.2.The silence lenghtened as Thorne unnecessarily shuffled some papers.主要