
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:36:49
请帮忙翻译You don't have permission to access /skins/download_ex.php on this server He was still working on his project while other people were having a rest 为什么是were having 1000元左右的手动机械手表哪个比较耐用 is ,that ,English ,an,clock 排序 both ()took part in the runboth () took part in the runa the old and the young b a old and a young 选哪个,为什么 请您帮下忙,一只船从甲地到乙地,逆水速度每小时行24千米,到乙地后,有顺水返回一地,比逆水行的时间提前2.5小时到达,有知流水速度是3千米,甲乙两地相距多少千米? I can tell you nothing about Mary because we ( ) each other for agesA.did see B.saw C.hadn't seen D.haven't seen就选哪项? 三年级第四单元测试卷的第七题修改病句 果然找到了走失的骆驼 这一句话哪错了?应该改成什么? 英语翻译How Will Our Life Go on without Internet?If asked whether the Internet is the greatest discovery of the 20th century,my answer would be yes.The Internet has drawn the world closer together,realized countless incredible dreams,and provided “商人走失了一只骆驼.”这句话怎么扩句?比如:牵牛花吹起了小喇叭|扩句:(美丽的)牵牛花吹起了(紫色的)小喇叭 改为被字句 商人听了,照着老人的指点一路找去,果然找到了走失的骆驼. We must keep the noise under 50dB(分贝) here.The noise must ______ ______under50dB here All the gifts must be mailed immediately( )in time for order to have recevied in order to receiveso as to be received so as to be receivingso as to do和in order to do有啥区别 The first thief came up to the farm and said,“My good old man,why are you leading this dog?”At did you get your r_______ card today? -----yes. the chinese teacher said t was good at historythat's a d_______ result. everybody is sad 英语翻译1.Master or single drive2.Drive is slave3.Master with a non-ATA-compatible slave4.Enable cable select unnoticed的副词RT,还有unnivited 这类似的词,貌似如果要用到副词的话,好像本身就做副词了,上次看了篇文章就是直接用作副词的,具体句子忘了,不过这类词做副词也很少,不知道是不是这样的,顺 which might have gone unnoticed·······unnoticed 这个形容词在这里做什么成分啊 have been to和have gone to的区别 写昨天的英语作文20字 请问in a large 和to a large extent一样嘛?是“在很大程度上”的意思嘛?If sb.says“in a large sense, true.”,what does (s)he mean?解释得越清楚越好~可以提供例句之类的:DIf sb.says“in a large sense, tru in the large是什么意思? The poor man tried to ( )the bitter memories of the accident from his mind,but failed.括号里填wipe还是forget呢? Yellow Tears ran from her eyesYellow Tears怎么翻译 不会是黄色的眼泪吧 这个词组有什么特殊的意思么? tried to kept 这是对的么?错的怎么改? I'm alone at the crossroads.I'm not at home in my own.I tried and tried to say what's on my mind.翻译下 请翻译成英文“提供——皮肤无色素再生物质基础”, Changes in women's status in China 请大家给我点建议 希望大家给点建议谢谢刚进公司的时候老板说,试用一个月工资定为两千,然后说以后的工资一个月后再谈,可一个月以后老板也不提工资的事了.我该怎么问老板我工资的事合适?谢谢大家能给 把空缺的字母填起来:n__ __sel__ __gh__ __irtmark__ __p__ __kt_l_ph_ne mine中英歌词