
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:25:13
He has an expression of resentment,_____ Martin had made a fool of him.A.as\x05B.as though\x05C.though\x05D.even though 伤心sad的副词是什么? "H-grey"、"D,H-grey" 分别是什么颜色? there are lockers to the students in beijing sunshine school.改错 woodland grey是什么颜色 英语翻译翻译下面的这句 won't sell up?Enjoy living in the middle of a motorway!Road built around a house after elderly Chinese couple refuse to move Is this his cousin 用girlfriend作否定回答 请问故事名字 和金融有关的故事名字 grey是什么颜色 Show him what you're made 冬去山名水秀,下句( 是什么) 求电影落经山背景音乐叫什么名字刚看了落经山的电影!被电影里面的背景音乐所吸引!但是不知道音乐叫什么!可是我没多少分! mirror,calculator怎样扩词例如buy a calculatora beautiful mirror 河南省安阳县清凉山高度多少? 梁衡 《清凉世界五台山》原文 一年以后 我会过的比你们好 这句话用英语怎么说到底哪个是正确的啊` 一天以后、一年以后、两周后等等用英语怎么说是不是in a year,或in a year's time UAE是什么意思?表告诉我是阿拉伯联合酋长国.我问的是一种生物色素提取方式.已知E表示extraction. uae是哪个国家 UAE是什么意思?解释下 UAE, "亵"这个字念什么? 亵字怎么念? new happy sad thirsty sleepy huge 的比较级和副词! The little garden is a q____ place to have a rest 就这一句, The old man wants to have a rest on the chair the hole has a garden for rest and fun,you can____have a barbecue there.AbutBandCbothDaslo it is when the express for Beijing___that you are supposed to find out at th1.takes off翻译it is when the express for Beijing___that you are supposed to find out at the booking office 关于主板电池中的 反扣放电这里说的反扣 放电 具体是怎么操作呢?是吧电池反着放在原来的位置吗? 请您稍等一下用英文怎么说? 英语怎么翻译