
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:17:04
英语中,问路有那几种说法? 9.After she put on her dress,she fastened a belt ______ around her waist.A.totally B.softly C.awfully D.loosely 原因 he's not good enough for her 怎么翻译?他对她不好他配不上她? He will fly to New York next month 再用flew 和flown造句He will fly to New York next month 再用flew 和flown各造一个句子, 用fLy造句 连词成句.swallows ,in ,fly ,will,autumn ,to,south,the 手机荣耀是什么意思? 光荣歌词的含义是bobo组合的那首光荣 If possible I'll _________ rockets __________ the moon and Mars They've got a nerve Rt上下文是这样的:Man:Sleep well?I've made some tea; there you are.Woman:Thanks.Any post?Man:Not really.There's a postcard from Aunt Lil and there's a questionnaire to fill in from the company which gave us the free samples They've got a nerve.Man:Not really.There's a postcard from Aunt Lil and there's a questionnaire to fill in from the company which gave us the free samples of tinned meat to try out for them.Woman:They've got a nerve!Man:But we did say we'd return the they've kind of got a history don't they?这句话中的kind of 是什么意思啊? 我在gossip girl里面看见的 翻译的是他们曾经有过一段 是吧? 单词背完就忘咋办? 我经常背过单词 过2天就忘 咋办啊我今天背了10个单词 明天背了10个单词 后天又背了10个单词 再背第一次的10个 发现都忘了 怎么办啊 真的想学好英语我是职业学校学生 x∈[1,2],mx∧2+x+4 Mary can't answer this question.l think.改为同义句怎样改? I don't think they have had dinner,___________?A have they B do I C don't I what :__ the coin made of where do you -----?A fly B fly to 为什么这句话word要把它圈为语法错误?Where did you fly to?我想表达你要飞去哪里的意思,word一直要把它改成where did you fly?意思不是改了? 107729:although not being a chinese,i like lilac very much.想知本句翻译及语言点:1_although not being a chinese,i like lilac very much.翻译:虽然不能作为一个中国人,但是我非常喜欢丁香花。being:翻译成作为 我单词背了就忘!根本记不住,我该怎么办!希望朋友们帮助我!我没时间了我说的是高考词汇表!因为我今年复读,所以我现在开始背了,准备明年春季高考! 单词总是记不住,刚背完就又忘了?肿么办呢? 英语怎么也学不好,单词容易背,就是也很容易忘? 求一篇英语作文,字数不要太多,6、7句吧 求9篇英语对话,要语句通顺,不是复制别人的,字数不要太多. 求一篇借电脑的英语对话,要求写明借电脑原因,对话时长至少3min,可以加其他内容 英语中回答问路的几种表达方式 求 Miss A 的If I were a boy 歌词 中韩对应 Eery ay they go to school in Tom's father's 填空 使句子完整意思.我畏惧得( )般.要求:尽量以四成语/词语为主! 关于haiku的英文诗,你自己写的也行····急····进来有更详细的说明···········我需要4季,春夏秋冬4个季节的haiku,每个季节都要,最好不要是英文网站找的,你自己写的也可以,还