
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:48:31
英语一句话的改错I decided to write herself a note.时态没错. 英语一句话啦,改错.When save notebook as .html file,gifs with shadow.One way is to image process,I wonder whether there are some settings or something simpler. 给妈妈的一封信 平安家书帮找篇范文~提供点思路~ 家书怎么写? 家书胡凯 阅读 1延叔为什么要重写一封信? 英语改错,就一句话You'd better put your goals on paper where they are visible so that they can help to monitor your progress “香”+“发”这个字念什么?是左右结构的. 骡子是不是不能供人骑乘?为什么 “浅吟低唱”的典故谁来解释一下? “浅吟低唱”的典故谁来解释一下?3Q 靡这个字读作什么组成词语都有哪些词语,读作什么.拼音.是什么意思 帮我找8篇读后感(300字左右) 英语翻译That is why,on this commencement day,we have ② something in which to take much pride.Oh yes,there is one more thing.②后面有一处错误,请找出并翻译这句话. 《约法三章》 典故解释汉元年十月,沛公兵遂先诸侯至霸上.秦王子婴素车白马,系颈以组,封皇帝玺符节,降轵道旁.诸将或言诛秦王.沛公曰:“始怀王遣我,固以能宽容;且人已服降,又杀之,不祥 这个足球场太小了.(改为夸张句) 480,15,1);setcolor(YELLOW);addToOutCase(caseIndex,tmp1,getCchar*p,s[6];intn;if(nResult==-1)// if(sp2->code==del_num)addToOutCase(caseIndex,tmp1,getCfclose(fp);staticintcxChar,cyChar,cxClient 关于月亮的诗,要诗意 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》中送别的时间是哪里 芙蓉楼送辛渐的送别地点是() 芙蓉楼送辛渐 描绘的时间是? 已知点A(-4,a),B(-2,b)都在直线y=½x+k(k为常数)上,则a与b的大小关系是a__b 已知A(-4,a),B(-2,b)都在直线y=1/2X+k(k为常数)上,则a,b的大小关系是?请写清楚过程请写清这种做法的道理 已知点A(-4,a),B(2,b)都在直线y=5x+k(k为常数)上,则a与b的大小关系是什么? 项羽之死的纯知识点~文学 司马迁写的 假如选择题A、B、C、D中有一个是对的,就有1/4概率命中,那是不是我大概答4题就会命中一题呢? 一首宋词,一句是:卷起千堆雪. 求诗词一首龙一一一一一一一传一一一一一一一明一一一一一一一爱一一一一一一一蒋一一一一一一一巧一一一一一一一梅 英语改错,写改法和正确答案,希望答案清晰准确,1.when she was at the midddle school,she often reads in the library.2.when she got home ,the children went to bed.3.He said he didn't see his uncle for many years.4.I didn't go to see the 英语改错题 正确答案和 还有翻译 特急!1.A train left to Beijing an hour ago.2.He will be back in five hours. 翻译1.So the man began to"picture" his pain.In his pain he saw a mean dog.It was biting his back.It was hurting him. 2.So c 求英语改错答案 平面直角坐标系中,以点p为圆心的圆p与y轴相切,直线y=x与圆p相交于点A、B,且AB的长为2根号3,则a= (求图和完整过程)p(2,a),抱歉漏写了!