
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:46:39
单人旁加文字读什么 单人旁加个几字怎么读 傻字去掉单人旁怎么读 鲁提辖拳打镇关西是第几回 鲁提辖拳打镇关西后去了哪里? 鲁提辖拳打镇关西!痛打郑屠户前,鲁达连续说了许多话,哪一句最关键?为什么? Is this the reason _____at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A.he explained B.what he explained C.how he explained D.why he explained 我知道这个题选A,若选B这个句子对不对,是否可以看成同位语从句? 1.Is this the reason___that__________he explained at the meeting for his careless in his work.2.Do you know the reason_____why_________he did not come?不是说有reason基本上都用why的吗?为什么第一句用that?这两句都是定语从句的 [7] Is this the reason ____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A.he explainedB.what he explainedC .how he explainedD.why he explained翻译并详细分析. 古文中的名句,带意思 鲁提辖拳打镇关西.针对鲁提辖拳打镇关西回答两个问题:1.在现实生活中,我们遇到这样的事情应该要怎么处理?2.假如你是法官,对于镇关西家人对鲁提辖的上诉 会怎样审判?最好是简要回答``` 鲁提辖拳打镇关西阅读那店小二那里敢过来,连那正要买肉的主顾,也不敢拢来.郑屠道:“着人与提辖拿了,送将府里去.”鲁达道:“再要十斤寸金软骨,也要细细地剁做臊子,不要见些肉在上面 模仿七月的天山这篇课文描写溪流的方法,用相同的句式写写夏天的景色或暑假生活.这句话:在轻轻荡漾着的溪流的两岸,满是高过马头的野花,五彩缤纷,像织不完的锦缎那么绵延,像天边的霞 模仿《七月的天山》写溪流的方法,用相同句式描写夏天的景色或暑假生活 有谁知道怎样更好的遏制全球气候变暖啊?不论怎么样的回答,只要言之有理都可以,争取能得到一些大胆的创意意见. 今天,我为全球气候变暖种了一棵树,你做了什么?去种一棵树吧.要是每个人都种一棵树,天灾,人祸,我是一个很普通的中国农民.我很担心我们的地球会突然之间没了.哎. 怎样在线知道并了解最新的关于全球气候变暖的消息?气候问题 谁再说全球气候变暖 我跟谁急冻死我了 这还是春天不?大棉袄都上了 往年可不是这样啊天天说全球气候变暖 看着都烦 真贱 shall we___ to attend the meeting____ at the end of this month?sorry,i don't know.A ask ;holding B ask;to hold C be asked;held D be asked;to be held 鲁提辖拳打镇关西的一些题1.文中对鲁达的三拳写得很祥,分别是运用了什么修辞手法?从哪几个角度形容郑屠户的摸样和感受?采用这种修辞手法有什么好处?2.结合郑屠户的语言说说郑屠户的 鲁提辖拳打镇关西的几个问题.你认为下面这段话写得怎样?谈谈你的见解“郑屠大怒,两条忿气从脚底直冲到顶门,心头那一把无明业火,焰腾腾的按捺不住,从肉岸上抢了一把剔骨尖刀,托地跳将 是关于暑假计划的 语法错误或者是时态错误Our summer holiday is coming .We can do many interesting things.Like going hiking ,going swimming and so on.I plan to have a rest .I 'm going to travel with my parents.I hear that Beijing is a 刘禹锡有哪些名句? As is kown to all ,there are many diffculties in our way to grow up .When we struggle with them ,maybe we will be failed .Most people hate failure very much because they think it is completely a bad thing .But from my perspective ,failure is not nece 秋词赏析(刘禹锡的) 大家帮忙修改英语作文Jenny’s DayThis is Jenny. Last Friday, She gets up at 6:30. She has breakfast at 7:00. She goes to school at 7:30. She has lunch at 11:30. She goes home at 3:30. She has dinner at 6:00. She does homework at 7:00.大家 请大家帮忙修改下英语作文假设你是王明,上周你在商店买了一台电视机,回家后发现有这样那样的质量问题(声音、色彩失真等),去商店要求退还.营业员服务态度又不好,不予受理,因此你给 表示时间长的词语yao cheng yu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From this cartoon we can know some thing about the life.A man just keep walking ingoring the wall on his way which a big word written on it,”Stop”.Without doublt,he broke his nose.Under the cartoon,there is some explain for it-----“if you just 面对全球变暖 我们普通人可以做什么啊?我说的是小事 比较容易实现的`~ composition self-discipline是什么意思 self-discipline是什么意思