
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:11:41
三国演义故事梗概、佳句赏析、读后感一章一个故事梗概、佳句赏析、读后感从第一回一直到最后字数200字左右 求三国演义书评 求《三国演义》书评谁帮我弄个1000字左右的《三国演义》书评啊?非常急用. int a; a=(5,6); 究竟a=5还是等于6啊?为什么? may be l was so 女朋友发照片 说了这句话 int a=3,b=4,b=5; (++c-1&&b+c/2)等于什么?为什么? 如图,△ABC的两个外角边的平分线相交于点D,如果∠A=50°,求∠D 《马丁伊登》第一章内容要中文,英文我有,或者第一章的简介也可以,但有关油画的那一部分要详细点, 《马丁伊登》作者是 国 的 it is time for sleeping 该睡觉了是time for sleeping 还是time for sleep?怎么表达才对? 谁有生动的描写来表现春末夏初景象的句子?不要古诗词~ 1加6分之1等于多少 6÷3(3-1)等于多少啊 已知集合M具有性质:若A属于M ,则2A属于M,现已知-1属于M,则下列元素一定在M中的 A-0.5 B0 C-2 D2那为什么2A不能等于-1?如果可以不久也能选择A项了么. may be i can love you so much!是什么意思?有几层含义? May be I focus on you so much.I'm not care you right now. 已知集合M满足下列性质的函数f{x}的全体:在定义域D内存在Xo,使得f{Xo+1}=f{Xo}+f{1}成立.①函数f{x}=1/x是否属于集合M?说明理由②若函数f(x)=kx+b属于集合M,试求实数k和b的取值范围.③设函数f(x)= May I trouble you____(not make)so much noise He is so excited to see so many present.He can't them open it open them it I missing you and children so much.The feeling was so strong.I know I still wait short time.but who can see my heart?IVY中文全意是什么. 麻烦帮忙看看下面的英语句子为什么选择Bit is important to realize what kind of person you are,which special qualities( )you outstanding among people and what you areinterested in.A.helps B.makes C.make 这句英语啥意思 帮忙看看the holidays being over,they began to get down to business.这里的the holidays being over为什么这么用啊 后面不是过去时吗 所以不明白 还有这里的OVER做什么成分啊 英译汉if we see the thing we have lost as a gift that we were given for a time,英译汉,were given for a (time),为什么用time if we see the thing we have lost as a gift that we were given for a (time),maybe the sad memories will change into th 英语语法:i have nothing on her that i may lose my job 请问这个从句是什么从句 作句子什么成分我没有任何她的把柄,我可能会丢掉我的工作 三角形ABC中,过D的直线交AC于E,交AB的延长线于F.求证:AE:EC=AF:BF 英语兼智力题高手进1、Why does the conductor cut a hole in your railroad ticket(火车票)?2、What letter is like twelve o'clock?3、How many times per day do the hour and minutes hands of a clock form a right angle(角度)?4、S30 O31( You are so lovely Who is him So .还有这个 can you...could you...怎么区别?还有may,should初二上学期学了can you...could you...怎么区别呢?还有may,should If you ______ smoke,please go outside.A.can B.should C.must D.may 有没有这样的联轴器:只传递扭矩,而相连接的两轴各自所受到的x y z三方向的力互相不影响 大约在五点我回家做作业(英文)