
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:52:43
A secretary is a person ___is paid for doing office work A person's characher decide a person's workA person's characher decide a person's work. ________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During the 1960’sB) It was in the 1960’sC) That it was in the 1960’sD) It was the 1960’s(B)答案A为什么不对啊 42.________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During the 1960’sB) It was in the 1960’sC) That it was in the 1960’sD) It was the 1960’s 32._____ that saw the trade between the two countries reach its highest point.A.During the 1990's B.That it was in the 1990's C.It was in the 1990's D.It was the 1990's主语是谁呢,saw 前面是不是省略了we 或者 human 之类的 建党方面读后感400字 principles of financial accounting怎么翻译 这本书哪里可以买得到 financial / finance department 用那个? what‘s the centre of the bee‘s world what is the main reason why the world trade centre is know as the united nations of commerce? the world trade center (destory) 2011初一上册 节节高43页答案急急急、、、、、、、、、 苏教版初一上册数学第100、101页习题答案1。当x为何值时,代数式5(x+2)与2(2x+7)的值相等。2。在梯形面积公式s=二分之一(a+b)h中,已知a=12,h=8, s=120,求b3。已知y1=x=3,y2=y2?(1)当x There are so many ( )in the shopping mThere are so many ( )in the shopping mall on sundays.Shop 已知sin(α +π/4)=7√2/10,cos2α =7/25,求cosα 的值 x,y属于R+,x+2y=8,求9/x+2/y最小值 某公司投入生产甲、乙两种产品的资金共20万元,甲种产品的利润率为22.5%,乙种利润率为33.3%.两种产品的利润和为53640元,那么投入甲、乙两种产品的资金各是多少万元?(用方程解) 3⑦ 某公司投入生产甲、乙两种产品的资金共20万元,甲种产品的利润率为0.0225,乙为0. Government should be dealing with the education.为什么不能把be去掉?我感觉在这里should和should be一样啊 翻译∶Dealing with government employees is different than dealing with private person. 乙肝病毒DNA检测结果分析乙肝病毒DNA检测 155E+7 copis/ml肝功能正常 3.The government should____poor families with social services.A.supply B.provideC.offerD.afford为什么? you may be tired with reading,but you should not be tired of it. 求乙肝病毒dna检测结果解读小三阳,肝功能正常,采用pcr检测结果为2730copies/ml,请专家或医生解读一下.感激不尽. 宫颈刮片 炎症反应性细胞改变分泌物:黄色糊状体宫颈:光滑怎么治疗最好 请问宫颈刮片i级细胞是代表什么意思? 检查宫颈刮片炎细胞和细菌都有炎症,是宫颈糜烂吗 宫颈刮片 非典型细胞 是什么病 宫颈刮片良性变异细胞什么意思这要不要紧啊 长为1宽为1高为1的立方体 英语怎么说? AK-47到底怎么读?以前读ei kei-47,但是今天看CCTV-10的《走进科学》主持人读的“阿卡四七”,到底读什么? AK47英文怎么写