
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:28:26
大猩猩是白日活动的森林动物,用英语怎么说? 看不见的大猩猩怎么样 求翻译: Forecast rate of return for investors 《陌上桑》里“青丝为笼系”的“系”读什么如题,请打拼音,谢! 《陌上桑》中青丝系马尾的“系”读什么音 请问一句维语的意思是什么?fadua cn I never take the scores very seriously. san yingsar kizil dinmu yaki kaxkar ning kizil dap yiri bamu English questions(英语习题)一.根据汉语提示补全下列句子,每空一词.1.汤姆一周打扫一次或两次他的房间.Tom cleans his room______________ a week.2.玛丽周末喜欢打乒乓球.Mary loves ______ ______ _______ at wek English Questions(英语问题)Rewrite this sentence using the joining words in parenthesisA:My hotel room overlooked a courtyard.There was a fountain.There were several trees.(in which……and) ENGLISH QUESTIONS(工程英语问题)1.For work governed by codes,an inspector’s qualifications,duties and responsibilities are usually…?A.Not important if he has a good educational background.B.Determined by the designer.C.Well defined by the ap 英语习题ENGLISH1.为什么不上楼看看? Why not ____ to ____ ____ ____? 2.I like reading because I can learn a lot ____ the books.3.We go to school ____ weekdays.4.We should know ____ ____ ____ ____ (工作必须 英语中状语从句省略的问题分词作状语中,到底是怎么省略主语的?比如-as she was very weak,she could not move=being very weak,she could not move【为什么是being?我可以理解为非谓语主动吗?】--if we are united,we There's a lot of details to remember,i have a hard time to keep it all straight.这里的keep it all straight是什么意思? 把tall,is,mike,and,quiet,组成一句话 Look!Jim is sitting______ (quiet) Look!the girl is quiet(相当)lovey,为什么要用quiet? Look!Mike is swimming ____(good). 指出错误项,并改正(每个括号分别代表A,B,C,D)1.She asks (her) friends (to) (her) home (to) dinner.2.There (are)(not) (much)food(in)the feidge.3.The market (open)(from)10 a.m.(to)10 p.m.every day.4.The shop a Easy English questionsAre you satisfied with what she has done ? Not in the least. It couldn't be (? )any worse any betterso badso good which one should i take? She( )to be a nurse括号里填什么? The questions-------by the students are not easy--------A.raised,to answer B.to be raised,answering C.being raised,to be answered 知道的告诉下 买椟还珠:古文、现代文、解释、注释 状语从句中的省略?while sanning books ,a true story drew her attention.其中while后省略了she was ,但主句不是she作主语呀,应该不能省略的呀?有些糊涂了! 是不是省略的状语从句?People did exactly as they were told because of their fear of the Inquisition.处于对宗教法庭的恐惧,人们做他们被告知应该做的(自己翻译的)1.请问这里的as they were told 是定语从句还 日本战国时期和明朝戚继光抗倭似乎在同一时期 那么倭寇是日本的那个大名带领的呢?那时候中日外交怎么样? 历史判断题:1.明朝的戚继光被称为我国古代的民族英雄是因为他在抗倭斗争中战功卓著.2.两宋时期,经济重心已从黄河流域转移到长江流域. 倭寇造成的危害有哪些,戚继光抗倭的历史史实, (1)下列有关戚继光抗倭的评价中,不正确的是( )A为扫清倭寇作出重大贡献B是中国古代史上的民族英雄C使明朝从此免除外来威胁D其斗争有利于社会经济的发展(2)明成祖派郑和下西洋 Me and you is Friends.you smile.i smile.you hurt.i hurt.you cry.i cry.you jump off Bridge.ii gonna miss your e-mail.myluv you hurt me,I one smile two brother什么意思不要用百度翻译给我翻译成:你伤害了我,我的两个兄弟一个微笑要靠谱一点的,顺便说下用于什么情况下. daily at this we shall speak to you about America and the war