
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:00:01
一个烧杯中装有一些水,水中有一个鸡蛋若要使鸡蛋保鲜应加入的物质是A熟石灰 B食盐 C较浓的盐酸,请用化学方程式表示其原理 描写人生短暂 诗句 描写人生的句子至少30句以上 描写农村生活的词语是什么 有三支盛有液体的试管,分别倒入酒精瓶装的一种液体,A杯变成红色,B杯有气泡,C杯有白色沉淀问;酒精瓶中的液体是什么? B杯产生的气体? C杯中发生的化学方程式 有甲、乙、丙三种溶液,将甲溶液酒入碳酸钠溶液中产生白色沉淀,完全反     应后又滴入乙溶液,白色有甲、乙、丙三种溶液,将甲溶液滴入碳酸钠溶液中产生白色沉淀,完全反应后又滴入 向溶液中加入过量的NaOH溶液 产生白色沉淀后溶解 可能是什么离子除了Al离子还有吗》? 求一些生活中常用的高质量的词或是成语.记住是高质量的.比如:生命是一个载体.这个载体一词觉得用的很妙.等等.还有些成语,本人水平不是很高想学学,记得写成语 时附上自己的解释.易懂 词语什么以生存 形容科技给人们的生活带来的变化的词语: 初三英语选择题,急!------------ as much as you can is useful in English language learning.A.ReadB.ReadingC.read.D.reading是不是应该选B啊?谢谢!请说明原因~ 19.( )He asked me ________ I was busy with those days.A.that B.if C.why D.what参考答案是D我觉得是B 1.--- Which music do you like better,rock music or jazz music?---________.Ilike pop music.A.Either B.Both C.Any D.Neither2.September 25th was one of_________days in 2008.Shenzhou Ⅶ was sent up successfully.A.exciting B.more exciting C.much exciting 苯与溴苯是否互溶 关于低碳生活句子 关于低碳生活的句子5句 1、(2010湖南省娄底市6.1)—It’s said that you have moved into a new house.—Yeah,and we need to buy some in the mall nearby.A.food B.furniture C.hamburger?2、(2010.四川省内江市26.1)—Well,you look so happy!全品中考网 --Beca 低碳生活英语句子找五个简单的低碳生活的句子,每个句子还要附上英文,中英都要,英文有最简单的方式表达, The story is so amazing!it's the most interesting story I've never read.----But I'm afraid it won't be liked by__eyerybody_为什么要填eyerybody 用低碳生活造个英文句子用 low carbon life造句 如何宣传低碳生活的句子,别人反问你怎么办 初三英语 选择题( )21.—Which month has ______ days in a year? —February. A. few B. little C. the least D. the fewest( )22. We couldn't finish our work so early your help.A. without B. with 1.The teacher gives me a notice.So I have to______it.A.write down B.ask forC.put down D.put up2.More people speak this language than______language.A.some other B.some othersC.others D.another3.Not only Jim but also his sister________(参观过)a 李白斗酒做百诗后面那句 “李白斗酒诗百篇”应当怎么解释 请写几句李白诗中含“月”或“酒”的诗句(连续两句) 酒精是极性分子还是非极性分子?为什么当苯酚滴在皮肤上可以用酒精冲洗? 苯是不是非极性分子,为什么 he was told the examination___on Friday(cd是我跟同学的答案 是两者之一么)A will be givenB is givenC to be givenD would be givenhello!ls that mr winter speaking(我觉得ab皆可 说说ab哪个更合适)_____he is'n here at momentA l' BOB ,if you take __interst in boating ,you should wait in __line here for some time A a ;a B an ;\ C the ;a 并注明理由( ) many flowers there are on the teacher's table!A.what B.how C.how too D.what so【注意这是感叹句不是疑问句!】那那个what so也错了吗? 杜甫的诗句“李白斗酒诗百篇”中“斗酒”是什么酒?黄酒还是稠酒?回答时最好能附上依据.