
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 11:07:20
should I leave out the dates of my education on my CV so people cannot guess my age?Now that we have new age discrimination laws,I have been told not to put my age on my CV.But people can guess age from the years I went to school - so should I leave Perhaps I should leave.Or,it will not appear Perhaps I should leave.Or,iPerhaps I should leave.Or,it will not appear According to a recent survey,the number of car ownerships doubled over the past 5 years. 聪明人,在这漠漠的世上,只能提着“自信”的灯儿,进行在黑暗里这则小诗所蕴含的人生哲理是什么所蕴含的人生哲理是什么 聪明人!在这漠漠的世上只能提着自信的灯儿进行在黑暗里 这句诗有什么特点?它的格式和表达方法 聪明人!在这漠漠的世上只能提着 自信 的灯进行在黑暗里 是谁写的哪部作品 聪明人!在这漠漠的世上 只能提着" 自信 "的灯儿 进行在黑暗里.请对该诗的内容作一分析. 概括 聪明人!  在这漠漠的世界上   只能提着"自信"的灯儿   进行在黑暗 的主旨 错不在别人,错在自己用文言文怎么说 victor和cindy是其中的两个人用英语说我已经在百度翻译器里得到了一个不太可靠的答案,我希望有人帮我解决!还有Victor and Cindy are two of them.是百度中的答案, 求歌曲名Life in here i am from you leave me.I think of too must.Cry in here what have you done .这是一首女声摇滚类的英文歌,上面就是歌词的开头几句了,真心跪求知道的朋友能告诉下歌曲名,感激不尽! 用正确的代词填空.I have a good frieend ----is john —Is this----sister —cindy?no,----isn’t. 这句英语对吗:Please bring those things to school. school前面要不要加the?问题补充:那么这样说也行吗:Please bring those things to room.可我在7年级人教版上看到room前面有the呀 用所给单词的适当形式填空:can you (bring)some video tapes to david? I don't know why always like this!Don't do like that!这两句话,请译中文 Can you (bring) some video tapes to David用适当的形式 istead of this we don't a classmates so you can;t always to do that like ago中文意思是? 英语书24页的这个怎么写啊? 初学美式英语买什么语法书好 要能看懂的 别全英文了 和看天书一样啊 英语翻译i began making some dietary and lifestyle changes during my second year of college and have been eating this way ever since.i like the way i fee when i don't eat animal foods so much more than the pleasure i used to get from eating them.i 英语(追加100分!)主谓一致:一、一般情况:主语是单数 谓语用单数还是复数?主语是复数 谓语用单数还是复数?二、主语为"a lot of ,lots of,plenty of 等以及all,half,most,some,any,no等+名词"短语时, 随时随地背单词-PETS词汇怎么样 谁有PETS二级单词?现我想考PETS二级,想通过各位提供一些单词.谢绝! PETS 5 到底有多少个单词?答非所问......什么叫难道?真奇怪 哪位大仙有pets一级单词表?下面是地址:希望对大家有用还有,第一个回答的, 火车上硬座48座和49座是同一排,连在一起的么?是在两个座位的还是三个座位的一边?同题 k1296列车两个座位在一起的那些座位号譬如说每个车厢的1号是两人座还是三人座? k652次列车坐位表061与062座位是在一起的吗?是否是双人座的呢?希望大神帮帮忙 “这两个陌生人谈起话来就像是多年的朋友一样”用英语翻译. 从泰安火车站到泰山红门,要坐3路车,有熟悉当地情况的朋友告知,从火车站能坐到的末班车是几点的?如果打正规出租车,大概费用多少? 运用基本词汇写一篇两个陌生人相遇时交朋友的对话(英语) Why ( ) fishing tomorrow?------Good idea!A:don't goB:not go C:not to go D:don't you going