
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:37:26
It's eight o'clock.The students must have lessons now.(相同意思,每格一词)It's time ___students___have lessons. 大家都知道高中英语阅读最后有一道7选5,5个空,7个备选答案(有两个是多余的),每空两分共10分,那么如果随机从7个备选答案中选5个填入5个空中,得分的数学期望是多少最好有过程,我怎么算 请教好心人一道英语题!He may win the competition,_____ he is likely to get into the national team.A,in which case B,in that case 答案是A请详细解释下A的定语从句用法,一涉及到介词的定语从句就不太明白!我感 一.将下列句子改为否定句.1.Jack has a new telescope and a mask.2.They do their homework at home.3.Mary does well in Chinese.4.Lily studies Japanese at school.5.All the children like piaying football.6.Jack is always first to come to school. 1.Five dimes and two nickels( )all the coin Marry had with her.A.were B.is C.ARE D.was2.Never before in the history of this country has anyone seen geater prosperity in the securities markets( )A.than1993 B.as1993 C.than in 1993 D.as in 1993 这是详细内容1.Linda is going to see her grandmother (next month)对括号部分提问2.The Greens uaually take vacation (in Europe)对括号部分提问3.We're staying here (for a month).对括号部分提问4.He will take Mark to the park. 急!英语题:!好心人帮我When I was a child , I lived in a small house with almost no___A.floor B.yard C.room D.playground选什么?为什么?说清谢谢 Read and answer the question .Allan ' s school is in paris .yesterday was a holiday and there was no school .the day before yesterday was wednesday .on wednesday he had school .Allan had a science lesson at 8:40 .it was the first lesson .after scienc 句子:At age nineteen,she became the first woman in 1926 to swim across the English Channel.这篇文章要强调的是she是第一个穿过English Channel的女人,原句的意思有歧义,说成是她是1926年里第一个女人.如果要改1926 1.Please be _______.Your question is too general.A.limitedB.narrowC.specificD.thorough2.He finally _____ in reaching the top of the mountain.A.achievedB.succeededC.enabledD.managed3.Every time I ____ there,I’ll buy something nice.A.wentB.will goC.h 32.This is _____ bedroom.They like it very much.A.Anne and Jane.B.Anne"s and Jane"s C .Anne"s And Jane D.Anne" and Jane"33.I"m new here.You can call ____ TonyA.him B.his C.me D.I36.There are two __________ in the gardenA.apples trees B.apple tree C.a 几道英语题请好心人帮忙Exercises(练习):1) Your father is a doctor. (I know)2) What’s he going to do? (He doesn’t know)3) Should she go to the party? ( She can’t decide)4) When did he last see his old friends? ( He can’t re 英语快速阅读与完型填空(六年级)答案 快速阅读与完形填空六年级答案我需要核对一下! 小学六年级英语快速阅读与完形填空3-15单元答案, 英语快速阅读与完形填空答案(六年级)Unit2~Unit5 英语完形填空题, 六年级英语完形填空They leave their plastic bags,lunch boxes,tins,b___bottles and other rubbish on the grass,in the trees… 要有一点难度越多越好 Dear Ben ,Thank you ______ your letter .You know my mum and dad have a _______ here .My sister ,my brother and _________ often help them in the garden .We ________ pears and apples from the trees and put ______ in the basket .We have a helper in the 六年级英语完型填空出一些题吧, 六年级英语——完形填空(一)My name is 1 .My 2 name is Joy.3 twelve.4 school is NO.1 Middle School.I’m in 5 .I’m in Row 2.6 Li is my English teacher.Her name is Sue.She’s a 7 .Liu Yang isn’t here today.I think he is 8 .Liu Yang 暑假作业不会写的题目,好心人帮个忙写出形容受惊而楞住的样子的成语:写出近义词: 震撼 ( ) 威武 ( ) 俊俏 ( ) 落花流水 ( )写出反义词: 深沉 ( ) 坚定 ( ) 绕道而 1.研究平面镜成像的特点时,要验证像与物的大小相等,方法是▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁,这种方法叫▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁.2.“猴子捞月一场空”关于水中“月亮”到 某同学在测量某物体质量时将物体放在左盘一克以上用砝码一克以下用游码,其读数为10.4g那么给物体的实际质量是( )A10.8g B10.4g C10.0g D9.6g 1.9*10∧-6米=( )微米.将物体放在左盘,左盘!砝码 第一道:2010年农历正月十五(2月28日)的元宵月,是虎年可观直径最大的月亮;3月1日零时左右又恰逢月亮最圆的时刻.“月有阴晴圆缺”,根据你对月亮的观察,你发现了哪些问题?第二道:有人说 如图是A、B两种物质的溶解度曲线,下列说法正确的是 A.A,B两种物质的溶解度都随温度升高而增大B.降低温度可使接近饱和的B溶液变为饱和C.A,B两种物质的溶解度均为25gD.t2℃时,A物质的溶 甲容器中有8%的盐水300克,乙容器中有12.5%的盐水120克.往甲乙两个容器中分别倒入等量的水,使两个容器中的盐水浓度一样.没个容器应倒入水多少克? 遇到不会的数学题.好心人帮个忙甲、乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,甲骑车,乙步行,骑车速度是步行速度的3倍.步行速度为5千米/时,x小时后两人相遇,那么A、B两地的距离是( )千 触动心灵的力量关于“触动心灵的力量”的作文 记述文啊 雷锋的作文500字左右 帮个忙吧好心人 美妙的滋味作文500字急需提纲 希望好心人帮个忙素材:一直以来,我总以为只有惊天动地的大事,才会给人留下深刻印象.那件事之后我才体验到:只要乐于尝试,肯于付出,寻常小事的滋味也是