
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:07:43
谁有《启东作业本》九上的物理答案、?谢谢、我会回报你积分的、是练习册、名字是《启东作业本》人教版、我需要九年级上册物理的答案、只要前俩章的答案(第一页到第三十四的答案) i did not hear \ i have not heard \ i have not been hearing 它们有什么区别啊? 你知道有哪些有情有义的小动物的故事(写三个) 一篇关于小动物“有情有义”的故事, 76页的14题.证明几何题.⊙o是RT△ABC的内切圆,D,E,F,为切点.DE的延长线与AC的延长线交于G.求证BD=CG.图略. 关于贾宝玉有情有义这一方面的例子及分析我做研究性课题的 助动词后能跟情态动词吗?为什么?情态动词后能跟助动词吗?为什么?一共两个问题 助动词就是情态动词吗 有哪些助动词和情态动词 介词填空 she swims __half an hour __the swimming接上句pool ___her home every day A healthy dite is very important____us alll seldom eat sweet snacks ___cakes ,sweets and so on ___meals The girl only has some milk and bread ______her breakrast I always watch TV ___half an hour every evening.填介词 l ‘ll go out for a walk____half an hour.介词填空 He says that he'll be back ____half an hour.(用介词填空) let us get( )this time machine and find ( ).英语好的帮忙翻译一下,顺便把空填了,急用 用这些词语组成一句话get,let's,time,in,this,machine,out,find,and连词成句 用这些单词组成一句话get,let's,time,in,this,machine,out,find,and连词成句 we walked 什么 an hour 填上适当的介词:We often stay there _______ an hour we often play basketball _ an hour after school.(填介词) 急·!英文单词造句·!starve harm memory admire look forward to急·!英文单词造句·!starveharmmemoryadmirelook forward to重赏·!10积分·!前提是必须有效的句子·!不要瞎掰·! PEP四年级下册英语书41页Let's find 小学5年级英语下册第29页 Let's find out 停车场有15辆车,6时整发第1辆车,以后6分钟一辆,第一辆车开出后3分钟后又一辆车进,以后每隔8分钟进一辆(接上),进场的车在原有的15辆车后依次开出.问几点时,停车场内第一次出现无车情况 (Seventy) minutes (make) (an hour)(请在下列句子中带括号的中指出错误的一处,并改正.同时请说明知识点.) 填介词:I can watch TV( )an hour in the evening. Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street ,but his father told him _ ...Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street ,but his father told him _ A.not to B.not to do 正确答案是A,想请高手详解为什么是A而不 什么是不定式逻辑上的主语? 最后一句话中什么叫不定式的逻辑主语 let's find outwhat will people do and not do in the year 2050?wort in groups and write down three things.e.g. Children won't go to school from Monday to Friday. they will go to school on sunday only.people won't drive cars. they will fly in carswe 五年级上册英语63页Let's find out怎样用英语写出来? Let us缩略形式要对的英语别想忽悠我 请问VOA special english中的VOA是哪几个单词缩写成的?