
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:10:00
家居无忧,八口阴灾,作福保佑, 什么是球体什么是圆住体 这个程序错在哪里?计算1-1/2+1/3-1/4+1/5……-1/100#includeint main(){ float a,b,d,c;a=1;b=1;c=1;while(b 静则安如止水是什么意思 磬石难书是啥意思? That concept implies educational opportunity for all children-the right for each chidldren to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity,whether that capacity be small or great.请问句中的be为什么不用is? why all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education 口语考试题库 这个怎么写why all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education 口语考试题库 这个怎么写大约150个单词把 第三题,写上给赞\(≧▽≦)/ _________ equal educational opportunities,American Indians in the reservations remained backward and illiterate for a long time.A.Deprived off B.Depriving off C.Deprived of D.Depriving of \(≧▽≦)/~ 左边目字旁右边一个门里面一个月是什么字 英语翻译5句6句就行!最好吥要超过7.8句! 水石间怎么样 英语 解答 带笔记1.He_____(go) to the zoo two days ago.2.He ________(plan)______(watch) a clolphin show last week.3.The Green _______(take) photos just now.4.I______(see) some sharks in 20085.Tom _____(win) a prize yesterday. 甲乙丙三个农户一起买了5吨化肥平均分着用,甲付了3吨化肥的钱,乙付了2吨化肥的钱,丙当时没有付钱,分完后算一算,丙应拿出2000元、问甲、乙应个收回多少钱?王叔叔自驾去旅游,他把汽车的4 为什么在流泪时,我总想起你! AMERICA and Russia have an agreementon removing or destroying Syria’s extensive collection of chemical weapons.The headline points are that Bashar Assad’s regime must submit a full inventory within a week.Should his government find that deadline There are many examples of people getting inspired by animals to develop new technologies.给个全英文的例子,不少于80字. 蜀国有多少年历史 如果没有诸葛亮的秋风五丈原,蜀国还能支撑多少年?三国那段令人风驰神往的历史确实有着太多的值得记忆和让人惋惜的地方?虽然历史不容许假设,但我们都希望看到事物的完美... 殷商统治多少年 想你想你,为什么我总是会想起你明明我们不在一起了 我还是那样犯贱的想你 艹 我怎么会想起你 明泰N505的手机质量怎样?买的时候要注意些什么……,还有其他什么提醒? 难忘的一课 作者在第⑧段补充叙述了“一课”之外的另一件事是———— 难忘的一课最后一段使用反问的手法,作用是什么 Remember _________ softly when we are in the reading room.3QA.talk B.to speak C.not speak D.not to talk 数学题两题⊙▽⊙ 麻烦给我说一下几个英语概念1.生词 2.短语 3.句子 4.感叹句 5.肯定句 6.否定句 7.疑问句 8.陈述句 9.一般疑问句 10.特殊疑问句 11.反义疑问句 12.选择疑问句 13.否定疑问句 14.过去分词15.非谓语动 英语翻译Hi how r u.i miss u always .i know we are very different but still i love u.i will always remember u and never forget u.after 10 years ,20 yrs,30 yrs when i think about costa ,i will remember You.im going from shanghai on 21 oct.But i wil 一道英语简答题!英语中多大年纪用什么提问 mi a na da,qu wa hei.mll to 哪国话?