
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:36:45
一根绳子对折四次后,每段长4,5米, 揍换个部首组词把揍换个部首组个词 把一根绳子对折,再对折,一共折了4次后,每段长a米,这更绳子原来长多少米为什么是2×2×2×2啊?不是2×4 不是说折一次两段 why doesn't he stop the men from breaking the machines 翻译 "Tell me,young man,how do you stop this car when the lights are red and I am not here?"的中文意思 why is the old man getting nagging when he gets older?my father is like this,he is never satisfied withanything and anyone.No matter how affectionate youshow,he just ignores and his own opinions.every timeyou think otherwise unlike his opinions,he wi produced in 和produced by的曲别?produced in 和produced by的曲别是什么呀?如果说某个游戏是某个网站制作的,比较“飞车游戏是4399网站制作的”,用produced in 还是produced by produced by与created by区别我在看美国的电视连续剧的时候,会看到字幕上写着produced by XXX,created by XXX.谁能告诉我两者的区别,谢谢! row_number() over (partition by name,kecheng,score order by rowid) 这个该怎么理解:row_number() over(partition by name,kecheng,score 大学语文论文写四世同堂里的瑞宣人物怎么写啊 四世同堂中瑞宣是什么样的人 其余因素保持不变.个人收入增加,将使他或她对常规商品的需求怎么样?是需求不是需求量 请问为什么中国不能搞三权分立? 酒精属于易燃品吗 参加上海世博会,将禁止携带软硬包装饮料、酒精饮品等液态物品以及可燃、易燃、易爆等化装品. 酒算易燃易爆物吗?带酒能乘车吗 为什么流星和烟火都只有一瞬间的美丽,然后消失在空中,没留下任何曾经美丽滴痕迹! 货币政策的作用能均衡地影响总需求的各个方面.消费支出和投资支出对利率的反应是一样的,敏感程度相同.这句话对吗 提供理论依据 谢谢 折扇与团扇什么区别? 如图,有一把折扇和一把团扇已知折扇的骨柄与团扇的直径一样长都为30cm折扇张开的角度为120°问哪一把扇的面积大?急急急急急急 as&while:young people always prefer the quickyoung people always prefer the quick pace,___older people would rather live a peaceful life in the country.为什么选while,as可以吗? Smart people who are a little lazy always prefer to listen to songsonline instead of buying them from stores.怎么翻译? 南京有卖水暖毯的吗? 英语翻译To The Honourable the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants Trading to the East Indies Steel's New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans; 英语翻译In his excellent study of Gastaldi's maps of Asia and their relationship to the accounts of Marco Polo's travels,Nordinskold notes that while Gastaldi has clearly incorporated information from Marco Polo's travels,Gastaldi has relied upon 如图中的几个斜面,它们的高度相同、倾角不同.让质量相同的物体沿斜面从顶端运动到底端.试根据功的定义式计算沿不同斜面运动时重力做的功,以证明这个功与斜面的倾角无关.图 什么样的是杏仁眼?杏仁眼是什么样的?杏仁眼好看还是桃花眼好呢? 什么是杏仁眼 做一件事要尽量省力还是省功当我们使用机械时,一定要消耗额外功,那到底是用机械累还是不用机械累呢(对于同一件事来说)? 请问杏仁眼是什么样的 问下面那句话对1,利用斜面做功省力且省功.2,利用斜面省力不省功 省力和省功是什么概念?