
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 22:08:57
只需要告诉我这篇文言文的名字,谢谢了! 这个聚会5点举行用英语怎么说 描写人物仪表的成语(四个) 描写人仪表的成语 描写人物仪表的成语,五个 苹果树正开着花 “夏日香气”英语怎么说? 英语翻译“夏日香气”“春色烂漫”, 这篇文言文咋做? 英语老外写得这个邮件啥意思?No need to send 100 e mails and bla bla bla 求会这篇文言文的来解答一下 描写人仪表,神态的成语 翻译all I want for christmas is you...to kill yourself. 这篇文言文叫啥?夫王道者,不可以小用也,大用则王,小用则亡. 人物仪表的成语 表现人物仪表神态的成语 孔雀东南飞 寓意一定明白点, 孔雀东南飞的寓意 默契的契什么意思? 默契 以前我很胖,现在我很瘦.用英语 I find lessons well-worth the time and trouble是什么意思啊?拜托各位啦! Try hard to make what the teacher teach ,and you ' 11 make rapid progress iTry hard to make whatthe teacher teach ,and you '11 make rapid progress in your studies.A.you B.yourself C.yourselves D.yoursD my maths teacher pften helps me with my maths and l am making progress in maths.同义句l am making progress in maths _____ the maths teacher's_____. With the time to make progress and development 有谁知道我说的这句话 用英文说正确吗 how time flies!time and tide wait for no man ,so we must study hard and make progress every day I forgot____(finish) my homework and the teacher talked to me for a long time. 数学同步精炼25页thank you very much Thank you very much!搬运一个仓库的货物,甲单独需15小时,乙单独需12小时,丙单独需10小时.现有同样的仓库A和B,丙在A仓库,乙在B仓库同时开始搬运货物,甲开始帮丙搬运,中途又转向帮助乙搬运,最后 Thank you for your________with my Maths 请求帮忙取英文名!我叫阮志光!请各位帮忙下!希望是谐音的!谢谢 请求帮忙取个英文名我公司叫 盈联有限公司,这“盈联”用什么英文名比较好呢?单纯的用拼音感觉有些单调,请各位大侠帮忙取个相对应得英文名.我公司是做五金工具之类的,取盈联这个名