
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:23:10
太平军曾幻想取得英国的支持,但后期英国联合清政府绞杀太平军,为什么? 要一篇80至100词的英语作文假设你叫李华,收到你的网友John的一封电子邮件,得知他即将外出旅行.请你根据以下提示用英语给他回一封电子邮件,告诉他你对旅游的看法,并提醒他旅行的注意事 have的单三形式是什么? have的单三形式是?如果回答的准确, have三单 gril什么意思 girl是什么意思 girl什么意思 have to 后接原型还是动名词 “雨天让我感到不开心”的英文翻译 用英语如何表达 今天的自己超过昨天的自己 give sb a right to do anything he likes 和give sb a right to do everything he likes有什么不同 I don't mind _________(open)the door When two friends meet each other on the street in England,what do they usually say first? 选择:A Haveyou eaten yet?B What are you going to do?C Where hava you been?D Fine day,isn't it? 怎么验证英语8级证的真伪 用人单位如何检查英语专八证书真假? far away的反义词,句子是:My home is far away from the school.It isn't______it. far from的反义词near后面还有一个介词 单项选择Do you mind my opening the door?________A Yes,please doB No,please don'tC I don't knowD Of course not Do you mind my opening the door?(保持原句意思不变) Do you mind _____ _____ the door? 帮我完成以下英语对话1.-----_______________________-----My birthday party is going to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon2.----I'll see you on Saturday afternoon at 5:00 at my flat-----Thanks.________________then3.------I'm sorry I didn' 英语:完成下面对话AMum:Jack,tomorrow is your ( 1 ).I will get a birthday cake and seven ( 2 ) fou you.Jack:But Mum,I'd like seven birthday ( 3 ) and one candle.B- Tomorrow is Sunday .What shall we do ,Jane?- What ( 4 ) going seimming - Going 大学英语4级证书签发机构 get的过去分词是got还是gotten 金融英语证书有用吗?在哪些企业适用?如果要进外企的话,这个证书有用吗?进银行需要这个证书吗? got可以是过式也可以是过去分词?got即是过去式也可以是过去分词?gotten是过去公词?所以I have got和I have gotten是一样的? Some social workers are the ones who clean up the dust 是什么意思 Covered up with a smile I've learned to fear怎么翻译 i will fear no evil ,for thou art with me 翻译 现在美国会用got做过去分词吗?那英国会用gotten吗? Waht( am/is/are) 雄南瓜花和雌南瓜花,相同和不同的地方