
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:37:53
guard against theft and trace information中文意思是什么? go for a walk to 答得好多加分 the quieter the workers are ,the more suspicious the overseer becames of what they are planning.请问 of what they are planning 是什么成分?为什么加of 选择填空:The workers areThe workers are complaining about the ____ working environment of the workshop,demanding of the manage a conspicuous improvement before they could strike.A.damp B.humid C.wet D.moist grow and harvest a corp of raspberries for a smurf's birthday party.为什么我收获和种植了树莓还是没有完成任务? Follow the steps you can go to is forever是什么意思 高中物理http://www.mofangge.com/html/qDetail/04/g1/201106/dq8og10497732.htmlhttp://www.mofangge.com/html/qDetail/04/g1/201106/dq8og10497732.html过程写的详细些 he is going to do more exercises to keep healthy改错 电影《黑鹰坠落》中有没有出现海豹六队?好像真实历史海豹六队参与了吧 海豹6队配备的四目夜视仪 为什么那么贵啊 阿尔法,SAS,海豹六队,GSG9,法国宪兵别队哪个吊? 公元前10000万年里,刚穿越的时候那个被嵌在树干里的人是那个海豹队的吗? 这个是什么字体,或者说属于哪一类的字体 这些字属于哪一类?日、按、下、元、网、男、尘、愉、家、喻、轮、明、王.有象形字、会意字、指事字、形声字. 谁知道这几种是什么字体? There are ywo teachers in the roonm.One is old,the other is young. my time has served me well是什么意思?是完整的句子吗? There are five ___ workers in the room, ___ sixth one is coming.A.man , a B.woman , the C.men,a D.ten,and答案是C,请问后面的空为什么填a而不填the ? http://www.mofangge.com/html/qDetail/02/g3/201109/i9kpg302257248.html 高一数学.求解.谢谢. where i should go 等于 I have been taken medicine all the month.Why my blood pressure remain still so high?我服用高血压药(非洛地平)已一个半月,为何血压还是高? The suit fits him very well.这是非谓语形式? I _have a very old car.A,used to B,used C,would D,am used to although i couldn't catch every word of How much ...do you want1.tomatoes2.bananas3.orange4.shoes New orleans Mardi Gras翻译成中文是什么 Thank you for the _____ you did me to move the sofa upstairs.A favor B good C help D kindness我觉得A和D最难选择.. Mardi Gras,Ramadan and Easter.这些都是什么节日? 用所给词的适当形式填空This( )(paint)is very beautiful.用所给词的适当形式填空This(   ) (paint) is   very  beautiful. talk about different tricks的意思 是将be动词放在(),句末用(),读时用()调,回答用()和()来略作回答.急 3个英语问题不懂,1.Don't make cyber friends too easily and playing computer games too much affect studies .这句话的成分各是什么?应该怎么理解?2.She told me she hadn't enjoyed the film,but I decided to go and see it ____.A.after a