
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:57:22
劳动力的供给取决于哪些因素 农业劳动力供给与需求的决定因素 工资下降劳动力供给反而增加的原因 劳动力人口指的是什么?哪个年龄以上 He likes fish very much.的同义句 He likes fish very much,but my favourite is ________(tomato).是填tomatoes还是tomato?为什么 He likes fish very much .He eats ( ) every day.A.a lot B.many C.lots of我知道最终答案是a lot ,可为什么不能是lots of呢 Sam likes music very much.He lives___ ,but he never feels ___ .A.alone;lonely B.alone;alone C.lonely;alone D.lonely;lonely Tom likes----(dry) fish very much.答案是dried ,我认为是错,应该是dry ,形容词修饰fish 请问世界面积最大的前五个国家和人口最多的前五个国家,还有人均GDP前五位的国家分别是谁? 我叔叔有一份当司机的工作 用英语怎么说 My uncle has ______ ______ as a driver. my uncle leaves home (at seven)(根据括号提问) I was at my uncle's home.下一句可以填什么? 将my uncle likes reading at home on weekends改为一般疑问句将1my uncle likes reading at home on weekends2tom2tom has a new backpack3there are some birds in the tree4the boy is swimming at the pool分别改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否 2009世界财富排行榜国家排名当然中中国总财富列第三,人均财富排名多少? 英语翻译1.华联商厦2.步行街3.钟楼4.澄江福地5.商业圈6.每周有一次音乐喷泉7.香樟大道8.一般休息娱乐都去这三个公园9.武术10.高级中学 英语翻译Today I Will Multiply My ValueToday I will multiply my value a hundredfold.A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk.A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.A Cyprus tree touched with the genius o 英语翻译A mere “dissolution”or “partitioning”model does not explain these results,because those compounds for which steady-state rejection is reached more slowly are also those for which rejection is lower and more material accumulates in 数学兴趣小组的同学在一次数学竞赛中的成绩学兴趣小组同学在一次数学竞赛中的成绩统计为优良占35%,合格占40%不及格占25%.合格和优良都是达标,数学兴趣小组同学这次竞赛的及格率是75%,若 16(x+5)的平方+8(x+5)+1=0用因式分解计算 (x+1)的平方+8(x+1)+16=0因式分解 (x-3)的平方+8(x-3)+16因式分解提公因式 三道英语单选题求解析1、— Did you like Mr.Green's lecture?—Yes,any description.I will come again with my classmates.A.over B.in C.beyond D.for2、I'm working on my fitness and I will be ready in a couple of weeks,not soone 周传雄的那首《关不上的窗》的歌词是什么意思?望朋友们详解. 小刚遇见了他3位朋友,他们彼此握了一次手,一共握了几次手?式子怎么列? 毕业晚会上,小刚同学准备献唱《朋友,别哭》,可当音乐响起时,他却紧张的忘了词、如果你是主持人,会说什么为他解围 There is a blue lake near here.改为复数形式 There is a hotel near my home变复数,变一般疑问 there is a lake in the nature park 改为一般疑问句 there are some sheep near the lake一般疑问句 We saw some dolphins in the lake.(改为一般疑问句) _____you_____ _____dolphins in the lake? 一、英语单选题(共 10)一、单选题10 - 离问题结束还有 15 天 5 小时1.If you (create) a new way of doing a job at work,you A.come up with the idea on your own.B.have trouble finding a way to do the job better.C.are happy that ot