
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:14:15
they need juice for the party.改为否定句 you can hear me this time..出自那首歌?有链接...http://vfile.home.news.cn/music/public/vd2/200812/06/a4/MUfs022008120621410151a4bc1e.mp3 BABY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY YOU HURT SO ME 我不想在电话上谈这事?用英语说? go and get your jacket.it"s ___you left it(where)为什么不填there that? 全新主题大学英语读写译教程1翻译句子的答案 新视野大学英语读写教程第四册课后翻译.(要求:题目也要写上) 他每天不吃晚餐.她在晚上只吃水果和蔬菜.英语 谁有 新思路大学英语读写译教程 第二册 英语翻译john isn't a diligent student,for it is the third time he has been late,__?到底是is he?是 isn't it?答案说疑问句要同主句一致,这道题的主句不是for前面的“John isn't... 请说明明朝海禁的历史 英语翻译“太阳能编藤桌几无线音响”一个产品的全名 就是一个户外茶几加了太阳能音响功能的 请问怎么翻译成英文呢 明朝为什么实施海禁啊!如果说是为了防止倭寇的话.那加强军队建设,增强先进武器,实行军事演习不就可以了吗!实在不行实施外交加军事的策略,何苦实行海禁啊!反正我感觉海禁就像为了抓老 英语翻译Biff and Chip were playing with wilfand wilma.They were playing in the sandpit.magic 关于明朝海禁明朝建立后,实行严厉的"海禁"政策,除了政府与海外国家保持朝贡贸易关系外,其他民间海上私人贸易一概禁止.为什么,明初在同意"官方"贸易往来的同时,却要禁止民间贸易往来? 明朝实行海禁的真正原因是? _____ of the people there were students.A.MostB.EachC.EveryD.One Most of the people were American who lost their lives in the terroristattacks.Most of the people were American who lost their lives in the terroristattacks.此句为分裂性定语从句,Who修饰people.但此句也可以让Who修饰American.请问 A lot of people lost their lives in theA lot of people lost their lives in the earthquaake.(改为同义句)The earthquake ____ ____ ____ ____. 大明朝有几个皇帝?嘉靖四年是哪一年? 找一本男主穿越成明朝嘉靖皇帝的书 用see ...A free from.B造句 free sb\sth from doing sth把·从·中解脱出来怎样造句?最好还有中文 NO MONEY NO HAPPY 真的是这样吗?没有钱就真的没什么生活乐趣吗? Sb be free.造句最好是小学水平的.给个例句就行啦! 用be free for(someone)怎么造句 英语翻译是rice不是mice 我想问的是ear是什么意思? 为什么argue现在分词要去e?一直不太懂饿 英语翻译这是一个餐厅激励员工的一句口号 well,I don it like bananas.谁知道这句话的中文意思 well in canda I like I like chocolate------(well)