
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:00:54
in the west of Chinain western China这样对不对?west western有什么区别? west 是否等于in the west of 题目是这样的 storms are often bigger west of the city所以我就有个疑问了,是不是west=inthe west How often does Cheng watck TV? 左边一个口字,右边一个西,念什么 I hate to dig into what other people's ideas about me.请翻译一下此句话, Then solid stone grinding long will become powder with wind 英语首字母填空:"R&B" is thought to be a m______ of black religious music and jazz. 爵士钢琴曲children of the earth 里小男孩和小女孩说的英文是什么 ten million colour tv 是对是错 tom makes -------(more,fewer)money than mary,because he does two jobs ( ),a learned man makes fewer mistake in life than a man whithout knowledge.A.In general B.As generalC.On general D.At general The Better To Dream Of You 歌词 Your sweet moonbeam,the smell of you in every single dream I kiss&cry krystal 滑冰用的 a time for us 的版本求kiss&cry krystal 滑冰用的 a time for us 的版本 I have fewer pens than you这句话对不对 a great deal+adj.比较级造句 to have fewer .than.是多还是少啊?怎么翻.?谢谢.能 不能详细一点,few是有一些的意思,为什么不是多一些? deal造句 switch over 的NOT ALLOWED状态什么意思 Millie makes a w应填啥 tidy under,get,always,relaxing.造句 英语relaxing造句用它造一个句子这个词的意思为轻松的.对了,要中文意思! 英语翻译重点在a,b 英文中et al是什么意思啊拜托各位大神 Sawada et al.Franklin et ai.(N=55) Azziz et al.(N=134) 这几个英文分别是何意思啊这些英文出现在柱形图表下方 lily isn't as ____ as peter .she often makes mistakes in her composition .A.careless B.careful C.carelessly D.carefully 英语,用“the Great Wall”造句,用上比较级 用The Great Wall famous long 造句 the map on the wall造句 不许改哦,不能变成'a map on the wall'! It's still too early to quit. 写书下面词语的近义词和反义词.近义词:摧毁() 控制() 充足() 左边食字+右边送字.是什么字?