
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:44:39
人类危机能源的短缺,战争的威胁,科技的落后,疾病的侵犯,人类面临的问题太多太多~人类未来会怎么样?是开发新的星球?还是死在地球?人类现在对太空的研究与开发实在太少难道说地球要毁 主谓一致的问题students in yucai school each_____ going to do voluntary work during the coming summer holiday.为什么填are each做什么用 几道关于主谓一致的题目.Questions:1.Nothing but grass and trees______the hill.A.cover B.covers C.covering covering2.The number of the students in the school____(be)small.3.Neither of us______(dare) to climb the tall tree.4.All _____don In the 1990s Strathclyde Police used pink in cells(牢房) based on research carried out by the U.S.Navy.based on research做状语,不是应该是主语发出的动作么,也就是Police was based on research.但是这样不通啊可是它是谁的 My father came to see me __(when/while)I stayed in Shanghai2.___(when/while)the famous scientist was giving a talk on travelling ,Tommy got there my uncle came to see me ----- I stayed in Beijing 横线里填什么啊?为什么?谢谢老师说主从句一个为延续性动作一个为短暂性动作就可用when,那这里两个都为过去时(短暂性动作),为什么用when,不可 (He )seldom goes shopping就划线部分提问 He seldom goes to school late,doesn't he?.A:goes to B:late C:doesn't he?.请问那一个错了,该怎么改? Tony often goes to the park,__?A,does he B,does`nt he C,does Tony D,doesn`t Tony I am a very good student.有没有错?总感觉那个very怪怪的.有没有错呢? I don't what do you mean.句式哪里错了? 主谓一致问题The children in this class each __ a new school bag. A. have B. has C. has got D. are having 这道题我选的是B, 可答案选的是A,这里为什么用复数呢?请大家详细解释一下原因.谢谢! 英语;I left my book at home.Could you wait ---I go back to get it.a.when b.if c.while soon as 3月1日出了补丁,怎么更新到70%就出现这个东西,Unable to initialize streaming.Please check your Internet connection.If this problem persists,please contact Blizzard Technical Support. [判断题] 发现从外单位取得的原始凭证遗失时,应取得原签发单位盖有公章的证明,并注明原始凭证的号由经办单位会计机构负责人审核签章后,才能代作原始凭证( )A、正确B、错误 关于主谓一致的问题谓语动词用单数还是复数,要考虑主语表达的含义是单数还是复数,例如20 dollars is too dear.three years in paris seems like a long time.我可不可以理解为,只要是钱数、年数,都用单数 I like to travel by ship.同义句 l like to travel (onI like to travel by ship.同义句l like to travel (on)(a)(ferry) what do you want to do today.what do you want to do I do not want to be hostile to a place today though it is understood whether it is速度!这是我玩的游戏里面我与一个日本人的对话,全文如下:I do not want to be hostile to a place today though it is understood whether it is nei 简述空串和空格串的区别.2.设s=’I AM A STUDENT’,t=’GOOD’,q=’WORKER’.求:(1) StrLength(s) (2) StrLength(t) (3) SubString(s,8,7) (4) SubString(t,2,1) (5) Index(s,‘A’) (6) Index(s,t) (7) Replace(s,‘STUDENT’,q) (8) Concat( 数据结构,设s=“I AM A STUDENT”,t=“GOOD”,q=“WORKER”.求:StrLength(s),StrLength(t),SubString(s,8,7),SubString(t,2,1) 反意疑问句的改变 英语 怎么个变法 地球的末日之钟科学家预计2030年:世界所有的冰川将融化2040年:地球上滴下最后的一滴雨2050年:地球将成为不毛之地2060年:海啸将袭击英国.这都是人类任意破坏的结果 .大家一定要保护地球!团 英文中to有时用于不定式,有时又当介词用to doing 结构如want to do 和adapt to doing ,可是这么多用to 的短语,要怎么知道到底是作不定式还是作介词呢? bec中级成绩怎么看呀~!? Exceptional good borderline writing speaking weak reading listeningExceptional good borderline writing speaking weak reading listening score 44grade E 成绩单是这样看吗?E代表我的成绩没有过我的写 记账凭证是登记总账的依据,原始凭证是登记明细账的原始依据?对还是错,为什么? 拟人句子怎么写? 沪江网校商务英语班怎么样!要上过班的人,有经验的人来说下,广告勿扰 在沪江网校开通了BEC中级课程,请问怎样充分利用沪江的课程?还有就是如何多拿学币? 等比性质中,当a+b+c=0时,有a=-(b+c)的原因a/(b+c)=b/(a+c)=c/(a+b)=k时,a+b+c≠0,所以k=1/2,而当a+b+c=0时,为什么a=-(b+c) How long did you spend _____ the novel A.write B.writes write D.writing急用! 总结be动词的肯定句,否定句及一般疑问句特殊疑问句